Boundary County Archives ~ August, 2011 |
Social Obituaries
Letters |
News |
August 28 |
hazard' turns out to be man in the road: An odd
call was made to sheriffs dispatch at 8:15 p.m. Friday,
reporting a "traffic hazard" on U.S. 95 in front of the Conoco
City may be
looking at more utility rate hikes: After a city
council meeting August 8, the Bonners Ferry City Council may
soon be looking at further rate hikes to maintain and upgrade an
aging water and sewer system after a bleak report by
superintendent Jim Fritsche. |
August 26 |
Griz subpoenaed to testify: In a move that
surprised even the most wizened court watchers, it has been
learned that prosecutors in the U.S. vs. Jeremy Hill case have,
with great difficulty, had a subpoena served on the grizzly sow
whose two year old silvertip male offspring was shot and killed
in Boundary County on Mother's Day.
Trinity Lutheran
gearing up for centennial: Pastor Bruce Barth and
the congregation at Trinity Lutheran Church in Bonners Ferry are
gearing up for the 100th anniversary of the church's charter,
which takes place Sunday, September 11. Plans are underway to
make the weekend special in honor of the event.
prosecutor never involved in Hill case: On May 8,
2011, Jeremy Hill, a lifetime member of the Boundary County
community, was involved in an incident that not only disrupted
the lifestyle of his family but has also raised serious concerns
within the community I serve as Boundary County Prosecutor.
Idaho's US
Senators seek justice for Hill: Both Idaho U.S.
Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch released statements today
urging justice for Porthill resident Jeremy Hill, facing a
federal charge for killing a threatened grizzly bear May 8, both
also calling for reform of the Endangered Species Act (ESA)
under which Hill was charged.
Logging truck
overturns on Highway 2: 11:30 a.m: A logging truck
overturned on Highway 2 at about 10:11 a.m. today, spilling a
load of logs across the highway and blocking traffic in both
directions for what is expected to be several hours. |
August 25 |
News Bonners Ferry has erroneously reported that the bear
allegedly killed by Jeremy Hill was a grown sow; in fact, the
sow fled the property and the bear killed was a two-year-old
male cub. News Bonners Ferry also, early in its coverage,
reported that the Hills' had three children when, in fact, they
have six. Those errors have been corrected, and I regret
promulgating false information. |
August 24 |
Governor Otter
weighs in on Grizzly killing: Idaho Govenor C.L.
"Butch" Otter on Monday weighed in on the side of Boundary
County Commissioners and Jeremy Hill, sending a letter to
Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar asking him to review the
case and do what he can to assist people defending their right
to protect themselves, their families and their property.
Boundary County Preparedness Month: Boundary County
Commissioners on Monday signed a proclamation declaring
September Preparedness Month in Boundary County to encourage
people and families throughout the community to learn, plan and
prepare for local emergencies.
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, August 16
minutes, August 8-9
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, August 8 |
August 23 |
Jury trial
set in grizzly killing: Jeremy and Rachel Hill and
their children would much rather have spent the day at home
today celebrating the 14th birthday of their eldest daughter,
Jasmine. Instead, they faced an overly intimidating morning in
federal court more than 100 miles away in Coeur d'Alene, where
Jeremy heard the charges and potential penalties he faces,
entered a not guilty plea, and had a jury trial date set for
9:30 a.m. Tuesday, October 4. |
August 22 |
destroys Bussard Lake Road home: A fast-moving fire
destroyed a home owned by Terri Duncan and Dennis Fitch this
evening at 403 Bussard Lake Road. The call came to sheriffs
dispatchers at 7:51 p.m. when an employee at Feist Creek Resort,
alerted by someone from the home seeking to use the telephone,
called 911.
a winner at the Boundary County Fair: “I think it
was a great one because there is hardly no negative comment out
there this year,” said fair administrator Sandy Schnepf of this
year’s fair just ended. “Wow, people are amazing aren’t they?”
Amazing people who did what is essential to any such undertaking
… they participated in just about everything offered, including
myriad fun contests and competitions. Here are the winners of
just some of them, along with more pictures.
seek to have Hill exonterated: Boundary County
Commissioners today sent a letter to the Idaho U.S.
Congressional delegation, Idaho District 1 Legislators and Idaho
Governor Butch Otter seeking to defend a citizen’s right to
protect their families despite Endangered Species Act laws that
make doing so illegal.
Court records and
sheriffs log |
August 21 |
Flags were borne solemnly and proudly Saturday during
Idaho's first Run for the Fallen Saturday, an event that
is all but certain to become a state-wide tradition. |
Run for the Fallen
touched with sadness and joy: The first of Idaho's
"Runs for the Fallen" was a solemn and moving event, but also
one of joy, as more than 200 people paid tribute to the state's
soldiers fallen in the line of duty in this nation's war on
terror. A News Bonners Ferry pictorial, all photos link to
original, high-resolution image. |
August 20 |
A 4-H Market Animal
Sale to remember: In E.B. White’s “Charlotte’s
Web,” Charlotte the spider extolled the virtues of Wilbur,
calling him “some pig,” in an attempt to save him from the
butcher's block. Had Charlotte been at the fair barn during the
4-H Market animal sale Friday evening, she’d have run out of
both web space and words to extol the virtues of Jasmine Hill’s
4-H swine, Regina, who sold 15 times, raising a record $19,558,
and who in the end was returned to Jasmine. Readers comments
added ... and added! |
August 19 |
Still having fun at the
fair! It's getting close to wrapping up, but
perhaps the biggest day of the Boundary County Fair comes on its
final day tomorrow, when people from throughout the county can
take at least one day off to come to town to visit with friends
and neighbors they may not have seen in awhile and to catch up
on all that makes living in this county great. In addition,
Saturday night is Family Fun Night ... the judging is over, the
sales are done, now it's time to relax and have a little fun! A
continued News Bonners Ferry pictorial.
Commissioners side
with defendant in grizzly death: Arraignment for a
Boundary County man facing federal felony charges for killing a
grizzly bear at his home May 8 has been scheduled for 10 a.m.
Tuesday, August 23, in Federal District Court in Coeur d’Alene.
And while County Commissioners have been working with state and
federal agencies for years to see the grizzly bear population
recover, in this case, they’re standing beside the defendant,
Jeremy Hill.
Idaho job growth
remains flat: Idaho’s seasonally adjusted
unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.4 percent for July.
For Boundary County, the unemployment rate went up six-tenths of
a percent since June, rising from 14.5 percent to 15.1 percent,
though still below last July's rate of 15.9 percent. |
August 18 |
Cavalry Brigade soldiers returning home: After
their yearlong mobilization and deployment to Iraq in support of
Operation New Dawn, the deployed members of the 116th Cavalry
Brigade Combat Team (116th CBCT) are scheduled to return to the
U.S. beginning late this month.
No charges in
arrest death: Boundary County Prosecutor Jack
Douglas, concurring with the findings of an Idaho State Police
investigation, will not bring charges against the Boundary
County Sheriff's Deputy involved in an early morning arrest May
16 that left a Mt. Shasta, California, man dead.
Another busy week at
the airport: It was another eventful week at the
airport, and the staff at Northern Air is thrilled to announce
three happy new pilots. |
August 17 |
2011 Boundary County
Fair underway ~ And it's out of this world!: A News
Bonners Ferry pictorial on the first day of the fair! All photos
(including the one above) link to the original, high-resolution
image from which they were derived, so you can save them if
you'd like.
Cheer the families of the
fallen: Folks from throughout Boundary County are
being asked to take a few minutes out of your day Saturday
afternoon to line the final leg of the 44 kilometer Run for the
Fallen to let the Gold Star families of those 44 Idahoans who
gave their all in service to this country did not give their
lives in vain. |
August 15 |
Camp ground fight lands
two in jail, doo dah: A report of a fight in
progress at Smith Lake Campground Sunday evening kept deputies
tied up for hours and resulted in two people shifting camp to
the Boundary County Jail. Ironically, the worst injured in the
fracas was the one who ended up being charged.
More than 150
sign up for Run for the Fallen: Idaho's first "Run
for the Fallen," which will honor 44 Idaho soldiers who gave
their lives in service to our nation in wars since September 11,
2001, takes place at 7:45 a.m. Saturday at the Veteran's
Memorial at the Boundary County Library, and more than 150
people from around the region have already signed up.
Court record and
Sheriffs log |
August 14 |
income up slightly in Idaho: Total personal income
rose modestly in both rural and urban
Idaho in 2010 after significant
recession-imposed declines in 2009.
Looking for
80-acres for rendezvous: Pacific Primitive
Rendezvous is a corporation that, since 1995, has held
re-enactments of the historic North America period of 1670
through 1840 in one of several western states, and they'd like
to bring their June, 2013, camp to Boundary County.
Governor unveils
new web pages on healthcare: Governor C.L. "Butch"
Otter last week unveiled a new "Healthcare in
section of his Web site this week, providing an online resource for
Idahoans to learn about efforts taking place to improve
system of healthcare.
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, August 2
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, July 26 special meeting
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, July 22 special meeting
Bonners Ferry
City Council minutes, July 19 |
August 10 |
new pilots trained at Northern Air: There are three
new pilots in our midst. Jeremy Belford-Cave of
and Dave Noel of Bonners Ferry both successfully completed their
private pilot check-rides on August 2, and Heather Vergie of
British Columbia, completed hers on August
9. |
Local GOP tables
'no confidence' discussion: The Boundary County
Republican Central Committee met for the first time since Region
1 GOP leaders issued a vote of "no confidence" to Idaho Senators
Shawn Keough and Joyce Broadsword, and about 25 people attended.
But after a long meeting, the discussion was tabled until next
month. |
August 8 |
RCC agenda not
received ... here it is: Some elected precinct
committeemen and officials of the Boundary County Republican
Central Committee expressed concern today that they hadn't
received the notice or agenda for tomorrow afternoon's meeting,
as is the usual practice, nor has the agenda been published on
the RCC website,, also a usual
practice. Bonners Ferry News has obtained a copy and re-types it
here as a courtesy.
Local man
facing federal charges for grizzly death: Jeremy
Hill, 33, Bonners Ferry, is facing federal charges for allegedly
killing an endangered grizzly bear on his property May 8.
Zoning man anticipates
a fine birthday: Boundary County zoning
administrator Mike Weland has big plans for his 53rd birthday
August 29 ... the culmination of a process that began seven
years ago, and one required by state law to occur every ten
Court records and
sheriffs log |
August 7 |
Kitchen fire scotches
plans for BBQ cookoff: A second kitchen fire at the
home of "Border" Bob Hovish has forced him to cancel the Back
Yard BBQ Cook Off competition originally scheduled for September
School board
agenda, August 9
Moyie Springs
City Council minutes |
August 6 |
The legendary Gatlin Brothers rocked a big crowd at the
fairgrounds Saturday evening, headlining Mountain Fest
II, an afternoon-long celebration brought to Bonners
Ferry by Mountain Springs Church. |
Business windows
should be 'Out of this World:' Hey all ... the
business fair is right around the corner. The fair royalty will
come around to all the businesses Tuesday, August 16, to judge
your windows. To qualify, your window has to be decorated with
the fair theme, "OUT OF THIS WORLD."
Kinley Nelson
loses fight for life: News Bonners Ferry is
saddened to report that Kinley Nelson, the son of retired
Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Larry Nelson and his wife, Barb,
died Friday of injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident that
occured Monday, August 1, on Canyon View Drive in Moyie Springs.
Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, August 12, at Trinity
Lutheran Church.
Local RCC meeting could
prove contentious: For the first time since Idaho
Region 1 Republican Central Committee leaders voted to deliver
Donna Capurso's vote of "no confidence" to Idaho Senators Shawn
Keough and Joyce Broadsword over issues involving redistricting,
the Boundary County Republican Central Committee will meet at
5:15 p.m. Tuesday, August 9. Discussion is apt to be lively, and
the public is welcome.
Evergreen Fresh Produce sprouting back after scare:
After having spent 23 years quietly building a Boundary County
agri-business growing sprouts, Fred and Nadine Scharf, owners of
Evergreen Fresh Produce, Moyie Springs, were afraid it had all
come to an end after the FDA issued what turned out to be a
false salmonella alarm in late June.
Hearing set on
county zoning ordinance: Boundary County
Commissioners will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday,
August 29, 2011, in the Extension Office meeting room to hold
public hearing on the proposed Boundary County Zoning and
Subdivision Ordinance, as amended by the Planning and Zoning
Commission. |
August 4 |
4-H offers
Friday program for kids: How does a Boundary County
parent reconcile a five-day work week and a four-day school
week? By enrolling kids in the Explore 4-H Afterschool Fun!"
program, that's how! |
August 3 |
killed in collision with deer: A north-bound
motorcyclist collided with a deer just south of Wohali's
Wrecking Yard on U.S. 95 at about 4:45 p.m. today, claiming the
lives of both the motorcyclist, George Kirk, 64, Moyie Springs,
and the deer. Updated 7 a.m. August 4 |
August 2 |
Local man seriously
injured in motorcycle crash: A Bonners Ferry man
suffered serious injuries Monday night in a single vehicle
motorcycle accident on Canyon View Drive. Updated, 4:15 p.m.
August 2 |
August 1 |
Five injured in
head-on collision: Five people were treated Friday,
July 29, for injuries sustained in a head-on collision at the
Cow Creek Y. Most of the injuries were minor.
Commissioners minutes, July 25-26
Court records and
sheriffs log |
Obituaries |
Lee "Jo" Gillard passed away on August 19, 2011, in
Mt. Vernon, Washington. There will be a graveside service at 2
p.m. Saturday, August 27, at Grandview Cemetery in Bonners
Ferry. |
Todd Nelson, August 14, 1962 ~
August 5, 2011 |
Michael Kirk, May 3, 1947 ~ August 3, 2011 |
Carlene Vetter, June 24, 1918 ~ August 4, 2011 |
Social |
Hello, Nevaeh Elaine! Keera Christenson and
Kyle Murphy of Bonners Ferry are the proud parents of
Nevaeh Elaine Murphy, born August 7 at Bonner General
Hospital, Sandpoint. |
Beggerlys welcome new daughter: Simon and
Melissa Beggerly, Bonners Ferry, welcomed a new bundle
of joy into their lives July 7 with the birth of their
daughter, Mahayla Jean Beggerly, at Bonner General
Hospital, Sandpoint. |
marriages |
Solum gets baby sister: Little Auraura
Solum is glad to finally have a little sister to play
after Lilyana Leigh Solum was born August 5 in Lynden,
Washington, to parents Scott and Ashley Solum. |
Keegan Curtiss: Samantha Schmitz and
Darrell Curtiss Jr., both of Bonners Ferry, are the
proud parents of Keegan James Curtiss, who was born July
3 at Bonner General Hospital, Sandpoint. |
Ken Carpenter
celebrating 60!: Ken Carpenter ... lifelong
resident, Army veteran and all aroud great guy, is
opening his yard, at the request of his wife, Joy, his
goats, chickens and weiner dogs, to a celebration of his
60th birthday. |
Sports |
Girls soccer team falls to Kellogg: The
Badger girls soccer team hosted the Kellogg Wildcats
Saturday, and gave a good account of themselves, though
they came away with a tick mark in the loss column after
Kellogg's Lilly Weske scored two goals late in the
second half.
and 6th grade tackle football starting: The
Bonners Ferry 5th and 6th grade tackle football program
starts at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 6 at the High
School Baseball field with sign-ups and equipment being
passed out.
Vandal Spirit Fridays kick off August 26:
The University of Idaho hosts a kick-off celebration
from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Friday, August 26, to mark the start
of Vandal Spirit Fridays for the new academic and
athletic year. The event will take place at the Palouse
Empire Mall, 1850 W. Pullman Road in Moscow.
Letters |
Roy Krohmer:
In response to Rich Landers’ “Time will tell if Hill
needed to shoot grizzly” I find many of Landers’ comments to be
unnecessary and asinine. |
Darrell Kerby:
You have sent and I have received either directly by
you bringing money into the office, or mailing to Jeremy Hill
Benefit Fund, P O Box 882, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, or
through you sending your matching donation directly to Wells
Fargo ... drum roll ... |
Bernadette Kirk-Bonner and family: On Behalf of
Idaho’s Gold Star families we would like to extend a HUGE THANK
YOU to all of the people in this wonderful town who made Run for
the Fallen a successful event! Just for the record, we had 99
runners/walkers covering 362 miles for 44 fallen soldiers, as
well as another 57 active participants in the event itself. |
Robin Merrifield: I just wanted to take a
moment to thank you for providing thorough, accurate and
up-to-date news for our community. Additionally, the writing you
do is refreshing and grammatically correct. |
Spokane: It is wonderful that the community is
supporting the Hill family the way that they are! Armed with the
facts about what occurred that day, the community has come
together to assist someone that they believed acted not only to
protect him family, but also in accordance with the federal laws
in place to protect both wild animals and humans. |
Donna Capurso:
On Mother’s Day, May 8, 2011, 33 year old Jeremy Hill
was enjoying this special occasion with his family. He had no
idea that his life was about to change; and all because he did
the right thing. After his guests had left, four of his six
children were outside playing and shooting baskets in front of
the house. His 5 year old daughter Aspen, the 8 year old twin
girls Mercedes and Sierra, and his 11 year old son Cameron were
engrossed in their play not realizing that three grizzly bears
had come onto their property from the trees through the yard at
the back of their home, not 40 yards away from where they were
playing. |
Raymond Danly:
To Pastor Larry and Mrs. Barb Nelson and family: My
name is Ray Danly. I'm the dad of Eric, Greg and C.J. Danly. We
lived in Bonners Ferry from 1975 to 1982 while I was associated
with the Bonners Ferry Police Department. My sons all knew
Kinley, and Eric was his close friend and classmate. My kids are
scattered now and I live in Hayden, Idaho. We are all very
distressed to learn of Kinley's passing, and your family is in
our thoughts and prayers during this trying time. |
July, 2011 Archive → |