Letters |
Boundary County Events |
Events in North Idaho are
Pacific Time, Events in Montana and Creston are Mountain Time unless
otherwise specified |
Thursday, September 20 |
Kootenai Valley Resource Initiative
Wildlife-Auto Collision Sub-committee Meeting
is scheduled for September 20, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. at the
Kootenai Tribal Office. This is an opportunity to
discuss the sale/parts of the detection system and the
going forward plan for the Committee. It would be nice
to have updated stats on underpass usage as well. For
more information contact Rhonda at 208-267-3519, ext.
551; or via e-mail at vogl@kootenai.org. |
Saturday, September 22 |
Boundary County Museum Special Presentation:
“The CCC in Idaho: Building Our State While
Supporting People in Hard Times” is coming to
Bonners Ferry as part of the Idaho Humanities
Council Speakers Bureau. Dr. Patricia Hart of
the University of Idaho, a social and cultural
historian with a focus on change in times of
national crisis, and Ivar Nelson, former
Director of the University of Idaho Press will
present their program, bringing this era alive
through a digital portal based on the digitizing
of photographs and documents by the University
of Idaho Library. Begins at 7:00 pm at the
Boundary County Museum. |
Monday, September 24 |
Boundary County School District 101 Board of
Trustees meets in Regular Meeting at the
District office beginning at 6:00 p.m. |
Friday, September 28 |
The annual fall United Methodist Women’s rummage, bake,
and book sale will be September 28th from 9-4 and
September 29th from 9-noon at United Methodist Church,
corner of Lincoln and Denver. Questions: call Judy
Dirks, 208-267-3859. To see the poster for this event,
click here. |
Saturday, September 29 |
Boundary County Historical Society and Museum
is presenting a Historical Walking Tour of the Copeland
Cemetery. Join our knowledgeable and entertaining guides
for a walking tour of the cemetery, highlighting soome
of Boundary County's founders and pioneers. Discussing
also interesting headstones and monuments. Pre-register
at the Museum, then gather at the Copeland Cemetery
gates at 12:30 - 132:55 pm. The tour begiins at 1:00
p.m. Parking is available at the JWJ Memorial Park south
of the Copeland Cemetery. Registration fee is $5.00 per
person. |
Thursday-Friday, October 4-5 |
No school in Boundary County schools due to state
inservice training. |
Monday, October 8 ~ Columbus Day |
Sunday, November 4 ~ Daylight Saving Time Ends |
Tuesday, November 6 ~ Election Day |
Sunday, November 11 ~ Veterans Day
If your business, church or organization is having a
Veterans Day event, let us know! Email
publisher@newsbf.com with the details,
including time, location and cost for a free calendar
listing! |
Thursday, November 22 ~ Thanksgiving
If your business, church or organization is having a
Thanksgiving event, let us know! Email
publisher@newsbf.com with the details,
including time, location and cost for a free calendar
listing! |
Tuesday, December 25 ~ Christmas
If your business, church or organization is having a
Christmas event, let us know! Email
publisher@newsbf.com with the details,
including time, location and cost for a free calendar
listing! |
Monday, December 31 ~ New Year's Eve
If your business, church or organization is having a
New Year's Eve event, let us know! Email
publisher@newsbf.com with the details,
including time, location and cost for a free calendar
listing! |
2019 |
Tuesday, January 1 ~ New Year's Day |
News Bonners Ferry
welcomes and publishes notices of upcoming events in our
community, be it a meeting, a reunion, a party, a yard sale or a
happening ... if it's something you'd like everyone to know
about, we'd like to help spread the word! Events listings are
always free ... but we appreciate your ad support to keep us
publishing and to better promote your event!
To list an event, email
publisher@newsbf.com with the date, time, location and a
brief description of the event.
Scroll down this column for on-going events and
meetings. |
NewsBF Boundary
County Church Directory
Saturday, May 12 |
On-Going Meetings &
Events |
Mondays |
Idaho Legal Aid Services is in Bonners
Ferry the fourth Monday to meet with low-income Boundary
County residents who have legal problems or questions.
Legal Aid Services lawyers provide free legal help with
government benefit programs including TAFI (welfare),
Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, SSI, Social Security
and county assistance; tenants’ problems with landlords,
including evictions and repairs; foreclosures of
subsidized mortgages; customer problems with utility
companies and problems dealing with creditors. Those
interested in meeting with the lawyer can call the
Bonners Ferry Food Bank, (208) 267-3663 to schedule.
Idaho Legal Aid Services can be contacted at (208)
667-9559 throughout the month for legal help with
problems that cannot wait. |
Bonners Ferry Women’s Cancer Awareness and
Support Group, noon to 2 p.m. fourth Mondays.
Panhandle Health, 7402 Caribou Street, Bonners Ferry. To
learn more call (208) 267-3751 or (208) 267-2266. |
Breastfeeding and Mothering Group Meetings,
first Monday, 4:40 p.m., WomanCare Midwives, 7084 Ash
Street, Bonners Ferry. All mothers welcome! |
Kootenai Valley Sportsman Association Meeting,
6 p.m., first Monday each month at the range, 67175
Highway 2, Moyie Springs. Everyone interested is
welcome! |
Boundary County Diabetic Education Support
Group, Meets the 2nd Monday of Each Month at 1:00 pm
September through May. Meet at the
Panhandle Health Meeting Room, 7402 Caribou St.
Bonners Ferry.
Moderator: Shantel Pluid, RD, LD, a registered
at the hospital. 208-267-3141
ext 4235. Anyone is welcome to join the
group including family members and caregivers. |
Boundary County Democratic Central Committee
Meeting, third Monday of each month, 6 p.m.,
Mugsy's Tavern & Grill, 7161 Main Street, Bonners Ferry.
Meetings are open to the public to take care of Central
Committee business and then discuss upcoming local,
regional, state and national elections and events. |
Overeaters Anonymous, Mondays at 6:30
p.m., Boundary Community Hospital. To learn more, call
(208) 290-8172. |
Kootenai Reservation Alcoholics Anonymous
Meeting, Mondays at 7 p.m., Kootenai Tribal
office. |
Tuesdays |
Genealogical Society of Boundary County,
9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdays, Family History Center,
Bonners Ferry LDS Church, 6568 Alderson Lane. Anyone
interested in researching family history welcome. Free
access to web sites, staff available to assist. To learn
more, call (208) 267-3802. |
Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS),
weigh-in Tuesdays at 9 a.m., meetings at 9:30 a.m.,
United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln Street, Bonners
Ferry. |
Al-Anon Meeting, Tuesdays at 10 a.m.,
basement of Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody Street,
Bonners Ferry. |
Boundary Community Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon and
Business Meeting, Chic-N-Chop Restaurant, 11:30 a.m. the
second Tuesday of each month September through May. To
learn more,
click here. |
Bonners Ferry Rotary Club Meeting,
Tuesdays at noon, Mugsy's Tavern & Grill, 7161 Main
Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Alcoholics Anonymous, Tuesdays at noon,
Trinity Lutheran Church. 6784 Cody Street, Bonners
Ferry. To learn more, call (208) 267-4667. |
Bonners Ferry Adult Grief Group Meeting,
second and fourth Tuesdays, 1:30 to 3 p.m. Panhandle
Health, 7402 Caribou Street, Bonners Ferry. To learn
more call (208) 265-1185. |
Bonners Ferry Habitat for Humanity Meeting,
Tuesdays at 6 p.m. Bonners Ferry Visitors Center. |
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter
757 Meeting, 6 p.m., second Tuesday Bonners
Ferry Airport Terminal (65S), 64602 Highway 2, Bonners
Ferry. |
Bonners Ferry VFW Post 3622 meets at
6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month, at the VFW
Hall, 6035 Lincoln Street, Bonners Ferry. To learn more,
call Bob Spalding, (208) 267-3831. |
Genealogical Society of Boundary County Meeting,
Tuesdays at 7 p.m., LDS Family History Library, 6569
Alderson Lane, Bonners Ferry. To learn more, call (208)
267-5084. |
Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday/Friday Group,
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln
Street. |
Wednesdays |
Ministerial Association Community Worship
Services, third Wednesdays at 6 p.m. in the
Bonners Ferry High School Auditorium. |
Genealogical Society of Boundary County Open
House, second Wednesdays 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.,
Family History Center, LDS Church, 6568 Alderson Lane,
Bonners Ferry. New genealogy topic each month plus
access to free websites with staff available to assist
people looking up their family history. Everyone
welcome. To learn more, call 267-3802. |
Free Lunch, Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 1:30
p.m., Grace Bible Fellowship Church, 6291 Main Street,
Bonners Ferry. To learn more, call (208) 267-2121. |
Mt. Hall Church Food Bank, Wednesdays
from noon to 3 p.m. To learn more, call (208) 267-5732. |
Bonners Ferry Masonic Lodge No. 43 Meeting,
Wednesdays at 7 p.m., 6415 Bonner Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Alcoholics Anonymous Women's Meeting,
Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568
Lincoln Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Thursdays |
Genealogical Society of Boundary County,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursdays, Family History Center, LDS
Church, 6568 Alderson Lane, Bonners Ferry. To learn
more, call (208) 267-3802. |
Free Community Meal, Thursdays 11:30 a.m. to 1
p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln. All are
welcome. To learn more, call (208) 304-6854. |
Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays at
noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody Street, Bonners
Ferry. To learn more, call (208) 267-4667. |
Friends of the Restorium meeting,
Thursdays at noon, Chic n' Chop Restaurant, 6421 Main
Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Backstage at the Pearl Theater, second
Thursday 5:30 to 7 p.m., The Pearl Theater, 7160 Ash
Street, Bonners Ferry. Volunteer night with tors and
brainstorming, so bring your ideas! |
American Legion Post 55 meets the
second Thursday of each month at the Fairgrounds
Memorial Hall, with a social hour at 6 p.m. and the
meeting at 7 p.m. |
Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays at 7:30
p.m., United Methodist Church 6568 Lincoln Street,
Bonners Ferry. |
Fridays |
Community Coalition for Families Meeting,
first Friday, 7:30 a.m., Chic-N-Chop Restaurant, 6421
Main Street, Bonners Ferry. Everyone interested in
improving lives in Boundary County is welcome! |
The Write Stuff, first and third
Fridays, 10:30 a.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody
Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Bonners Ferry Bridge Club, Fridays at
noon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 6784 Cody Street, Bonners
Ferry. Newcomers who know how to play bridge welcome;
for those who want to learn, we can set you up with
lessons. We have players in all levels. $3 per person.
Before attending first session, please call Marlene
Manion at (208) 267-3906. |
Boundary County Human Rights Task Force Meetings,
first Friday of the month, 4 p.m., Trinity Lutheran
Church, 6784 Cody Street, Bonners Ferry. Stand against
bigotry and racism by standing for equality and
knowledge. All are welcome. |
Free Wills and Trusts Class, third
Friday, 6:30 to 8
p.m., Bushnell Law, 6430 Kootenai Street, Bonners Ferry. |
Alcoholics Anonymous Tuesday/Friday Group,
Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m., United Methodist Church, 6568 Lincoln
Street., Bonners Ferry. |