June 27, 2023 |
You are invited to
our 3rd Annual scenic and fun Motorcycle Rally:
• The 9B Badger Road
Rally • Saturday, July 1, 2023•
County Live is sponsoring this
Rally to help raise funds for the BFHS Badger
Girls' and Boys' Basketball Programs.
See details in the
poster graphic below, at the end of this article, then sign
Saturday, July 1,
►Tour of Boundary
County, 120 miles, all paved road
►Stations to stop for
refreshments, prizes, and fun along the way
►T-shirt available on
registration, free prize drawings along the way
►Entry / Registration
cost: $30 Rider / $15 Passenger
►Meet at the Boundary
County Fairgrounds, we depart at 9:00 am.
►All street-legal
motorcycles of any kind are welcome
►A 120 mile scenic
tour of Boundary County. The Rally is this
Saturday, July 1. Meet at the Boundary County
Fairgrounds, we depart at 9:00 am.
►Yes—there is still
time to register——see the Rally website
at the following link:
https://9broadrally.wixsite.com/badgers ).
►Yes—the weather
prediction is great: Sunny and 88º.
►To see the
full detailed Google Map of the Route, go to
this link:
►The green pins on
the map are Waypoints of Interest along the
route. We have prepared a fascinating list and
description of all the the green pin Waypoints
of Interest shown on the route map. To
see our amazing list and descriptions go to this
►At the end of the
ride, enjoy a Hamburger and Hot Dog
barbecue—included as part of your registration
at no additional cost. It's part of the event!
►The entire route is
paved. All street-legal motorcycles are welcome.
This is a fundraiser event for Bonners Ferry
High School Basketball!
▬ ▬ ▬ ▬ ▬
Click on the image below to see a larger,
full-screen version of the image.
