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Moyie Spring City Council minutes, October 3

November 15, 2012
City Council met in regular session October 3, 2012, at the Moyie Springs City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans. Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, Bart Klaus, City Attorney Dan Featherston, Fire Chief Ken English and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson.

Discussed the minutes of the regular meeting on September 5, 2012. A motion was made by Bart Klaus and seconded by Chad Farrens to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried.

Discussed the financial statement. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu to approve as written. Motion carried.

Lori Johnson, Mike Sloan, David Sims, Drexel Love and Lila Finley attended the meeting.

David Sims, EDC, attended the meeting to discuss Broadband, etc. David said Bonners Ferry has a problem – fiber needs to be installed between Sandpoint to Bonners Ferry (midmile) and things are not looking too good. David said Bonners should know in the next couple weeks if they are in or out. David said if Bonners is not in that program, they are working with another provider. David said North Idaho Essentials, a Chinese company, bought 40 acres north of Bonners and will be making plant based oils. They have had equipment shipped here and have shipped plant samples back to China. There are interested in tree stumps – cedar and Christmas tree stumps. Super 1 bought the Conoco station. They are repairing a leaking tank and should be opening soon.

Discussed Ordinance #109 – establishes criteria and standards for the location of manufactured homes. Dan Featherston said he understands some changes should be made and has drafted a proposed ordinance for the council to go over. It will be discussed at the November 7, 2012 meeting. If that is the direction the council wants to go, this will be a good start.

Discussed Costco cards. The cards cost $55.00 each. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu that each person will pay the entire $55.00 for their Costco card. Motion carried.

The council discussed the Wastewater Facilities Study. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Bart Klaus to approve the Wastewater Facilities Study. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Terry Johnson authorizing Mayor Evans to sign the 2011-12 audit engagement letter with Magnuson, McHugh. Motion carried.

Discussed the Ordinance concerning Council absences. Dan Featherston brought a final draft for the council to go over for the next month. Dan explained the ordinance to the council. Steve Economu asked about no time limit? Dan said in theory, someone could participate telephonically indefinitely. Drexel Love said if done electronically, the city should get a good laptop with Skype.

Discussed ordinance codification. Dan Featherston explained to the council. Sandy will talk to Kris Larson, City of Bonners Ferry, because they have had it done.

There was no KVRI report.

The Comprehensive Plan will be discussed at the November 7th meeting.

Discussed the Volunteer Fire Department. Ken English reported: Sept. 6 - LEPC meeting; Sept. 10 – Smoke on S. Division; Sept. 12 – Ambulance meeting in Naples; Sept. 19 – Fire Chiefs meeting; Sept. 27 – Bonfire at Earl Stephens; Sept. 28 – Fire class in Naples; Sept. 29 – Fire Class in Naples; Sept. 29 – Ambulance assist (no charge). Ken said one morning the smoke was thick from the 3-Mile to Moyie – air stagnation. The live burn class last Saturday was excellent training. There will be another class the last part of November by the Refuge – you don’t have to participate – you can be a spectator. Ken said if the firemen participate in the whole thing, they would qualify for certification. Ken said there is to be no burning, but there are exceptions. Ken said there was a person arrested this past weekend, in Bonners Ferry, building bombs.

Lila Finley asked if anything can be done about property not being taken care of and it becomes a fire hazard? Drexel said if Ken English doesn’t want to do it, maybe someone else should have his job. Drexel said maybe Ken should talk to these property owners. Mayor Evans told Ken English to talk to Ancel Schmidt about the condition of the property south of their house.

Discussed the Water & Sewer systems. John Nelson reported we pumped a high on September 5th of 640,200 gpd; a low on the 17th of 129,000 gpd; an average of 219,700 gpd and a total for the month of September of 6,592,200 gallons. Discussed the radio communications from the water tank to the filter plant. John said it would cost $500.00 to check the signal strength, and if we buy the radios from the same company they are $719.00 each with a credit of $250.00 back. This company does not do the installation. John said for about $2,000, we could have radio communications between the water tank and filter plant. John said some trees would need to be cut, and if there is no line of sight, a repeater would need to be installed. Terry Johnson asked if they’re affected by any interference? John said not much. The person John talked to was Larry Helmer. Steve Economu said John should talk to Logan Fields – he does this kind of work. John said the mill is putting in a sprinkler system (adding to the one they already have) in the planer building. John said the fitting for the little fire truck came last week and is installed. John has been working on the building at the wells – he can’t hang the door because he has no hinges. Bart Klaus said he will get them. Boundary Electric will start on the electrics tomorrow at the well building and John has put the tar paper on the roof. John will need to take some online classes, for CEUs, for his licensing. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens authorizing John to take the necessary online classes. Motion carried. John said Will, Boundary Electric, said our power bill should go down when he changes to 200 amp service.

Steve Economu asked Terry Johnson about the dump site east of the Moyie Bridge. Terry said they are still working on it.

Discussed the bills. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to pay the bills. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Terry Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried.

Attest: City Clerk

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