What used to
be Community Fellowship Church on Ash
Street is in the process of becoming
"The Pearl Theater." |
The votes are in, and the little community
theater on Ash Street
will have a name. The contest posted in the
Bonners Ferry Herald two weeks ago garnered over
30 entries for possible names for the theater.
The prize was not only the earned notoriety from
having named the theater, but also a year’s free
pass for two to every show performed.
“There were some amazingly
creative suggestions,” said Carolyn Testa.
“It was exactly what I was hoping for –
lots of great possibilities.”
And the winner is:
The Pearl Theater
“David and Jill Jurgensen,
owners of The Log Inn of Bonners Ferry submitted
their suggestion about mid-way into the
selection process, and it blew the contenders
out of the water,” said Carolyn.
“I was going in one direction, and this
came in.
It just fit.”
When asked how they came
upon the name, David and Jill said, “We imagined
the pearl as being lustrous, smooth, classy, and
And that’s how we see our town’s new
little community theater.”
The Pearl Theater will be
undergoing a little makeover throughout the
summer, and will hopefully be ready for its
grand debut sometime in the fall.
Anyone interested in its progress can
www.the-pearl-theater.com or call Carolyn
Testa at 290-7039.
The website is being
developed now by artist Jeff Hughart, so you’ll
be witnessing a work in progress.