Idaho state legislators and county commissioners
invited to White House meeting; Representative
Scott reports |
July 2, 2018 |
(Editor's note: The
White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
recently invited state legislators and county
commissioners from Idaho and Utah to a White
House meeting. Idaho District 1 State
Representative Heather Scott attended the
meeting, and she put together this report.
As we feel a meeting like this with some of our
local government leaders is important, we are
including her report here).
by Heather Scott
Idaho State Representative
District 1
On June 22, 2018, all Idaho and Utah state
legislators and county commissioners were
invited to the White House for a conference by
the White House Office of Intergovernmental
Affairs. Their hope was to forge stronger
relationships with state and local leaders and
build partnerships in decision making. By the
end of 2018, the White House will have invited
every county commissioner in the country and
many of the state legislators to the same event.
I was able attend this event and provide a
summary below.

The overarching theme of the conference was
establishing partnerships, relationship building
with state and county officials, and opening up
more direct communications for sharing concerns
and providing input on federal policy decisions.
Those attending were reassured that the new
administration wants to work more closely with
the states. We were reminded repeatedly that the
federal government is there to serve us.
The speakers included a mix of federal agency
chiefs of staff, deputy directors and
congressmen from Utah. Vice president Mike Pence
joined the group for a short talk and a photo
opportunity. Overall it was a great experience
and unique opportunity to connect with others
who feel the weight of an overreaching federal
government. It gave me hope that this
administration is moving in a different
direction than previous ones.
A few of the speaker highlights included
Secretary Rick Perry (US Dept. of Energy) who
spoke on energy dominance as a country. He
shared that the USA is the most prolific oil and
gas producing country in the world and that we
are 12 to 18 months away for being a net energy
exporter. He expressed his shared concerns with
those of President Trump’s that innovators are
being strangled by overregulation, over taxation
and litigation, which limits their opportunity
to create. The administration is ready to let
entrepreneurs flourish, and let the states
compete against each other to create wealth.
Secretary Perry stated this President looks at
government’s role differently than many other
presidents before him.
As for infrastructure, Secretary Perry shared
that federal leaders have not been honest with
the American people for too long and discussed
his desire to partner with state, local and the
private sectors for leadership in addressing the
infrastructure challenges. He stated that
“Government can be a real partner” and while he
believes in the 10th amendment, reminded us that
the federal government has a role, and shouldn’t
be at logger heads with the states, but be
partners in making America great again.
Orin Hatch, Senator for Utah, shared how he
relies on state legislators, county
commissioners and local mayors to let him know
which federal policies work or which don’t and
to help develop federal policies that work on
the local level. He mentioned his concerns on
the opiate epidemic, teen suicide, strengthening
infrastructure and developing a workforce. He
also discussed the issues of medical marijuana
and opiate alternatives.
Senator Mike Lee of Utah talked about
frustrations in getting good policies and bills
passed through the Senate that would reduce the
size of government. He brought up concerns on
the Waters of the US (WOTUS) policy and the
federal government’s acquisition of more land.
He shared his recent efforts in educating other
congressmen on the struggles of western states
and their inability to use our lands. Some of
the major efforts he is pursuing include the
need to stop acquiring federal land, restricting
the use of the antiquities act by requiring
legislative approval, and increasing the amount
of money set aside for PILT payments. He also
hopes to develop creative ways to return federal
land back to the state control.
He left us with these inspiring words, ”We can
do this because we are Americans, its who we
are. Freedom is in our blood. It’s time to no
longer simply accept things as they are, it’s
time for us to expect more, and I invite you to
join me in that.”
Other speakers included Congressman Rob Bishop
of Utah, who is working on transferring power
back to the states and local governments to
incentivize energy production, the water bill,
farm bill, NDAA, legislation to give citizens
standing in court, and defining what
consultation with the federal government
actually means.
A few of the Agency Speakers included:
Ryan Thomas, Chief of Staff for Natural
Resources, Dept of Agriculture who discussed
NEPA Reform, range issues, minerals and mining
and timber issues.
Amy Swonger, Deputy Assistant to the President
and Deputy Director of Legislative Affairs for
the Senate who discussed efforts to avoid a
large omnibus bill, workforce development, and
an executive order to make it easier for small
businesses to ban together to buy healthcare.
She also touched on the challenges of getting
the President’s nominees appointed and border
Tim Williams, Deputy Director of External
Affairs, US Department of Interior who discussed
the federal government restoring trust and being
a good neighbor. He stated that the federal
agency has a duty to collaborate and make sure
any Washington DC decision works with our local
areas. He discussed the changes in NEPA which
would reduce times for 10 -12 years for approval
to 1 year and 100 pages or less. He also
discussed the BLM and accountability issues. He
reminded us that the Federal government derives
their power from states, and states need to have
a say in their destiny. There was a short
discussion on the BLM signing MOA’s with local
sheriffs who are trained and know their local
Jim Carroll, Deputy Director and Acting Director
of National Drug Control Policy who stated that
their goal was to serve you and get funds to
your communities and discussed state grants for
drug control.
The Director of External Affairs, Federal
Emergency Management Agency is developing a
culture of induvial preparedness and FEMA
integration teams for disasters. They mentioned
their desire to have states to the lead in
disaster management and that local governments
need to execute and take ownership.
Deputy Secretary Patrick Pizzela, US Department
of Labor, who spoke of reorganizing, reshaping
and reforming the agency and on educational
programs to equip the workforce and empower
industry and stakeholders. He discussed the
recent executive action to expand
apprenticeships and the eagerness to hear from
states and local governments with their input on
what that might look like.
Vice President Mike Pence let Idaho and Utah
attendees know that the President’s plan was a
lot like our state’s plan of fiscal
responsibility, pro-growth policy, investment in
infrastructure and education. He shared our
president’s belief in the 10th amendment, the
American dream and American experiment as
defined in the Constitution, and a belief in men
and women of integrity who are serving the
country. He let us know that the President has
boundless confidence in the capacity of the
American people!
He thanked us for all for what we do every day
and encouraged us on a personal level, to “bow
the head and bend the knee, and pray for
It was truly an honor to hear this man’s speech
and shake his hand. And, I had the opportunity
to give him a Drain the Swamp Idaho hat!

Overall, I am cautiously optimistic with this
new administration’s approach and plan to
provide input and feedback from state and local
leaders and Idaho citizens.

On a personal note, this was my first visit to
Washington DC. The city was busy, the people
were friendly, the metro was convenient, the
history was humbling. In my limited time there,
I only had a chance to visit a few historic
sites, tour the capitol, attend a congressional
hearing, and taste a little of the diverse
cuisine. Above are a few photos from my trip.
(All photographs supplied by Representative
Heather Scott).
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