Fish and Game: how to legally recover roadkill |
September 17, 2014 |
We have to admit it: This is a subject
that secretly we all sort of wonder
about, but publicly, we all turn up our
noses in disdain: roadkill. And
we're not just talking about roadkill, we are
talking about salvaging roadkill.
We could be more discreet. We don't have
to call it roadkill. It could be a much
more aseptic, bleached, bureaucratic term.
How about calling it "Unanticipated Accidental
Wild Game Animal Collisional Demise."
Not that we all want to salvage roadkill--oops,
I mean UAWGACD. Of course we don't.
But sometimes one wonders, do people ever try to
salvage those unfortunate critters?
Idaho Fish and Game kindly answers those
questions, and provides the necessary details.
Read on.
From Idaho Fish and Game:
As temperatures cool, people driving the
highways of Idaho are encountering more
collisions with wild game. So if you see an
animal that has been killed by a car, can you
take it home? The answer is yes, but there are
some guidelines to follow:
- Before you claim any roadkill salvage,
consider the safety of yourself and fellow
travelers. Always abide by traffic and safety
- Did you find or accidentally strike and kill
an animal legal for salvage? Pick it up.
- You have 24 hours to notify Fish and Game, and
72 hours to obtain a salvage permit.
- You may report roadkill online at
http://fishandgame.idaho.gov/roadkill or phone
our offices to report. If calling after hours
it's important to leave your full name, phone
number, address and location of the salvage so a
permit may be mailed. If self-reporting a
printable permit will be generated.
- Salvage permits are free.
- Persons salvaging and consuming this meat do
so at their own risk.
You are allowed to recover upland birds and game
animals, big game, furbearers and predators that
are legal to hunt or trap. You may also salvage
non-game wildlife that are unprotected. You may
not recover protected wildlife and other species
that are not legal to hunt or trap. For a list
of species you can recover click on the
following link:
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