Submit your great photos to
Idaho Fish and Game website
June 23, 2014
Do you have a photo from a recent Idaho hunting or fishing adventure you want to share? How about a photo you’ve taken of wildlife in Idaho? You can submit your favorite photos electronically for display on Idaho Fish and Game’s website.

To see what others have shared or to submit your own photo, go to .

All photos must be taken in Idaho. Hunting and fishing photos should display the animals in a tasteful manner. Please submit sharp, clear, color photographs accompanied with the following information:

--Name and email of person submitting photo.
--Date and general location photo was taken.
--Brief caption describing the content of the photo (e.g., Jennifer Smith, age 12, with her first deer).
--Brief stories are encouraged, but not required.

Digital photos should be less than 8 megabytes in JPG, PNG, or JPEG formats. Fish and Game retains all rights to accepted submissions and reserves the right to reproduce or reprint, with proper credit, photos in other publications, on television, web sites and other media.

Below are some tips for composing photographs:

--On all but the brightest days, use a flash to reduce shadows.
--Get close. Fill the viewfinder with your subject.
--Experiment with different compositions - position of the person and subject, background settings, camera angles, etc.
--Try to take photos in the field before you field dress your harvested animal. If the photos are taken after the animal is field dressed, please clean up as much as possible.
--Keep the light in the face of the person and make sure hats or other clothing are not shadowing his or her face.