Readers lift NewsBF to a new milestone
March 24. 2017
By Mike Weland

At 10:06 p.m. Thursday, someone clicked a button on our Facebook page, and established News Bonners Ferry as the best liked local news source in Boundary County. We can't be sure who our 5,000th Facebook friend is, but we are glad you stopped by.

It seems, in a world where most news sources are suspect, that our simple notion, that the most important news is local and that delivering it in time to matter is essential, is a notion appreciated.

I pray NewsBF never gets too big for its britches.

You might not think it, with over 98-percent of News Bonners Ferry readers being from the United States, and most of them from a small circle less than 100 miles in circumference centered on Bonners Ferry, that there are people around the world interested in the goings on of our community.

Also on Thursday, six people from Canada (most within that circle) visited the front page of this simple website, the farthest of our good neighbors to the north being from Nova Scotia. A few of our regular readers are even Newfies. Here's to you, eh?!

Readers from India, Gambia, Jamaica, Trinidad, South Africa, Vietnam and Guatemala all dropped in to visit yesterday to read about our Distinguished Young Women and our mudslides.

Had you told us you'd stop in, I'd have put on a fresh pot of coffee.

While we don't know who they are, NewsBF gets almost weekly visits from readers many U.S. states (all of them) and from foreign places including Australia, Germany, India, Italy and Ecuador ... we can only assume that these readers are kids who grew up here and have moved out into the big wide world to make their contributions, or people from other nations who once visited Boundary County ... exchange students perhaps.

Maybe they have family here, or friends from the old country, and they are just checking up. Whatever the reason, it is nice that they are thinking of us.

A bunch of our out-of-county visitors, we think, might be people who live here, but go on vacation and want to check up on how things are at home while they're away. We've had messages from Hawaii, the Ukraine and Belize telling us that they are glad we're here.

In the last three months, readers from 67 nations around the globe have stopped in; Nigeria, the Phillipines, Bangladesh, Mexico, Spain, Belgium and Germany among them.

The list of the home countries of visitors who have dropped by since this site was established six years ago this month, according to independent statistics, show that at one time or another, a reader from all seven of the continents on Earth, Antarctica included, has looked in to see how Bonners Ferry is doing via the website you are reading right now, and that there has been at least one reader visiting from nearly all of the 196 countries now existing.

The reason you visit matters not, we are glad for for your company, and glad you think us a help.

DISCLAIMER: NewsBF is an equal opportunity news source, available for free to readers in any nation around the world regardless of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. If other biases arise, we will ignore them, too.

Now that that's out of the way, we are grateful to each of you who takes time to stop in for a visit, and extend a welcome to each of you to drop by any time. Let your friends know. Pets are welcome, too.