Scott, Nate work at Growing Freedom for Idaho |
January 10, 2017 |
Heather Scott |
The Idaho Legislature will have the opportunity
to support a strong agenda for Growing Freedom
in Idaho during the 2017 Legislative Session.
The agenda, driven by citizen input and geared
toward cultivating greater personal freedoms for
Idahoans, was released last week by
Representatives Heather Scott (R-1A) and Ronald
Nate (R-34A).
The Growing Freedom for Idaho Agenda is part of
a larger website called
The website was created to help citizens follow
bills through committees, comment to appropriate
legislators who are responsible for passing,
killing, or holding bills in committee (the
process by which many important ideas are never
allowed to be heard by the full legislative
body), and provide information about the ways
citizens can be more involved with government
The site will also offer a quick guide to all
bills being proposed in the House and a brief
description of what the consequences of passing
those bills will be to citizens.
The 2017 Growing Freedom for Idaho Agenda
currently includes over 60 bills arranged by
categories important to liberty. Categories
include Lower Taxes, Less Government, More
Freedom and More Transparency.
Each of the bills are focused on returning
personal freedoms to Idahoans as well as undoing
past infringements. Legislators who favor "the
People" over "establishment policies" are
showing a strong willingness to support this new
Growing Freedom for Idaho Agenda.
With Idaho facing another year of revenues
exceeding projections (a surplus of at least
$130 million), constituents across the state
should be encouraged to direct their legislators
to respect the rights of taxpayers to keep their
hard-earned incomes and actively support the
Growing Freedom for Idaho agenda of reducing tax
burdens on Idaho workers, families and
Representatives Scott and Nate encourage all
Idahoans to contact their district legislators
and remind them the vast majority of Idaho
citizens value freedom, natural rights, and our
Constitution, which was established to protect
these rights. |
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