County commission minutes, September 9-10 |
September 24, 2013 |
*** Commissioners gave the opening invocation and said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mr. Gutshall said Road and Bridge hauled rock to Mr. Gutshall reviewed his department report to include: having three graders out today, hauling more rock to Fairfield Road and Kerr Lake Road tomorrow, finishing patching with the durapatcher, roadside mowing in Moravia where the paving project will be, and soon installing culverts on Pleasant Valley Loop and Cabinet Mountain Road, which will be done in coordination with Idaho Transportation Department.
Road and Bridge will be working in the Deer
Creek area towards
Chairman Dinning and Mr. Gutshall discussed a
public hearing to be held on the 129,000 pound
truck limit matter. Chairman Dinning said Mr. Gutshall discussed the overbid amount for the Deep Creek Paving project. Taking some things out of the project had been mentioned by the engineer and Scott Ellsworth with the Local Highway Technical Assistance Council (LHTAC) wanted to know what Mr. Gutshall thought. Mr. Gutshall said mitigation needs to be done on Deep Creek Loop and funding needs to be taken care of before anything else.
The meeting with Mr. Gutshall ended at Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2013-32. A resolution increasing the Road and Bridge budget due to receipt of unanticipated funds. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2013-32 reads as follows:
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners,
County of Boundary, State of Idaho, did
establish an operating budget for the Road &
Bridge Fund for fiscal year 2012-2013, and
$317,728.05 in total has been received in the
amounts and from the sources and for the
purposes outlined as follows:
Received From
Western States
buyback on a Caterpillar 140M Motor
Virginia Cowley
dust abatement cost share
Liberty Northwest
Naples Bridge damage
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of
State of Idaho
Deep Creek
State of
State of
State of
State of
Wisberg Investments
Moonshadow Road culvert repair
Cabinet Mountain Water
Blue Sky Road patch repair
State of Idaho
Deep Creek Loop paving, Key #11935
Panhandle State Bank
Overpayment of interest on Cat payment
Western States
accounting error refund
Darlene Higgins
purchase of surplus property -1989 Ford &
1986 Chevy
Dycks Oil
oil rebate
Western States
buyback for grader wings
Road & Bridge Fund for fiscal year 2012-2013 is
in need of this additional revenue, and
addition of this revenue does not affect the tax
levy for
WHEREAS, it is
appropriate to increase the Boundary County Road
& Bridge Fund revenue account number
02-00-391-18 in the amount of $315,947.73 and
revenue account number 02-00-391-21 in the
amount of $538.32 and revenue account number
02-00-352-00 in the amount of $1,242.00 and the
Road & Bridge Fund expense accounts as follows:
Fund Number
02-00-473-00, Vehicles – Tires.............................................................
02-00-474-00, Vehicles - Lubricants....................................................
02-00-484-00, Professional Services...................................................
02-00-630-01, Dust Chemicals..............................................................
02-00-641-00, Road Oil (Chip Sealing)................................................
02-00-643-00, Signs...............................................................................
02-00-645-00, Culverts..........................................................................
02-00-647-00, Road Patch Material......................................................
02-00-659-00, Other Road/Bridge Const Matls...................................
02-00-803-00, Capital – Heavy Equipment...........................................
02-00-899-00, Capital – Grant Matching Funds...................................
NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously carried,
that the increase in the Boundary County Road &
Bridge Fund revenue account number 02-00-391-18
in the amount of $315,947.73 and revenue account
number 02-00-391-21 in the amount of $538.32 and
revenue account number 02-00-352-00 in the
amount of $1,242.00 and Road & Bridge Fund
expense accounts as outlined above is hereby
authorized and ordered; and
RESOLVED that the Clerk is instructed to deliver
certified copies of this resolution to the
Boundary County Treasurer and the Boundary
County Auditor.
Resolution is to take effect the 3rd day of
September, 2013.
DATED this
9th day of September, 2013.
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
Glenda Poston, Clerk of the Board of
Recorded as instrument #258704
Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve the minutes for August 5 & 6, 2013 and August 12 & 13, 2013. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2013-34. A resolution increasing Justice Fund Sheriff budget due to receipt of unanticipated revenue. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2013-34 reads as follows:
Increasing Justice Fund Sheriff Budget Due to
Receipt of Unanticipated Revenue
Board of County Commissioners, County of
Boundary, State of Idaho, did establish an
operating budget for the Justice Fund Sheriff
Budget for fiscal year 2012-2013; and
$2,672.74 has been received from the State of
Idaho Military Division from the Stonegarden
Grant for overtime wage reimbursement and
vehicle fuel and maintenance reimbursement; and
WHEREAS, the Boundary County Commissioners deem
it in the best interest of the general public of
Boundary County to increase the Fiscal Year
2012-2013 Justice Fund Sheriff Budget for that
purpose; and
addition of this revenue does not affect the tax
levy for
WHEREAS, it is
appropriate to increase the fiscal year
2012-2013 Justice Fund revenue account number
0008-00-0324-0010 in the amount of $2,672.74 and
the Justice Fund Sheriff Budget expense account
number 08-02-407-02, Overtime - Stonegarden, in
the amount of $1,463.37 and expense account
number 08-02-470-00, Vehicles – Fuel, Gasoline,
in the amount of $527.49 and expense account
number 08-02-475-00, Vehicles – Repairs, in the
amount of $681.88 for a total of
$2,672.74; and
NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously carried,
that the increase to the fiscal year 2012-2013
Justice Fund revenue account number
0008-00-0324-0010 in the amount of $2,672.74 and
the Justice Fund Sheriff Budget expense account
number 08-02-407-02, Overtime - Stonegarden, in
the amount of $1,463.37 and expense account
number 08-02-470-00, Vehicles – Fuel, Gasoline,
in the amount of $527.49 and expense account
number 08-02-475-00, Vehicles – Repairs, in the
amount of $681.88 for a total of
is hereby authorized and ordered; and
RESOLVED that the Clerk is instructed to deliver
certified copies of this resolution to the
Boundary County Treasurer and the Boundary
County Auditor.
DATED this 9th day of September, 2013
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
Glenda Poston, Clerk of the Board of
Recorded as instrument #258705
Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2013-35. A resolution increasing the Restorium Fund budget due to receipt of unanticipated revenue from donation. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2013-35 reads as follows:
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners,
County of Boundary, State of Idaho, did
establish an operating budget for the Boundary
County Restorium for fiscal year 2012-2013, and
unanticipated funds have been received from a
donation made by Ray Olson in the amount of
$1,500.00 to be used for room remodel at the
Restorium, and
WHEREAS, the Boundary County Restorium Fund is
in need of additional revenue for fiscal year
2012-2013, and
WHEREAS, the addition of this revenue does not
affect the tax levy for
WHEREAS, it is
appropriate to increase the Boundary County
Restorium Budget Revenue Account Number
36-00-0391-0018 and the Restorium Budget Expense
Account Number 36-00-807-00, Capital -
Construction, in the amount of $1,500.00 for
that purpose,
NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously carried,
IT IS RESOLVED, that the increase to the
Boundary County
Restorium Budget Revenue Account Number
36-00-0391-0018 and the Restorium Budget Expense
Account Number 36-00-807-00, Capital -
Construction, in the amount of $1,500.00 is
hereby authorized and ordered, and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk is
instructed to deliver certified copies of this
resolution to the Boundary County Treasurer and
the Boundary County Auditor.
DATED this 9th day of September, 2013
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
Glenda Poston, Clerk of the Board of
Recorded as instrument #258706 Mr. Kothe discussed mowing and checking on the restrooms at the boat docks in the north part of the county. Mr. Kothe discussed a quote from Steve Bourgard of Bogie and Sons for sealing the roof of the Courthouse. Chairman Dinning said he talked about issuing payment for this service after the start of the next budget year and that seemed to be okay. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to accept the quote of $3,200 from Bogie and Sons to re-seal the roof of the Courthouse subject to the available budget. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.
The meeting with Mr. Kothe ended at Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows:
claims) Commissioners tended to administrative duties. 9:50 a.m., County resident Janet Satchwell stopped by Commissioners’ Office to voice her support of the county working with the Forest Service to brush the roads. It’s important that people can get to places. Ms. Satchwell said Queen Trail is getting brushy now and that is an established trail. Chairman Dinning said the county needs to sign an agreement with the Forest Service then the county will find an appropriate time to help brush these roads as the county roads need it, too. The county is moving forward in helping the Forest Service brush roads and is also looking into the ability to utilize the help of community service juveniles for this.
Ms. Satchwell left the meeting at
Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve the minutes of August 19 and 20, 2013. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at
10: Commissioner Pinkerton moved to deny indigent application #2013-31 as per the Clerk’s recommendation. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.
Deputy Clerk Ryals and Clerk Poston left the
meeting at
Restorium Administrator Karlene Magee and Deputy
Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at Deputy Clerk Ryals talked to Ms. Magee briefly about the Restorium elevator grant in regards to an additional $3,115 received for the snow stops and gutters. Ms. Magee said she hadn’t been informed of these funds.
Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting at Commissioners and Ms. Magee reviewed the update of the Quickbooks bookkeeping system. Commissioners asked if there is anything they can do or provide to help Ms. Magee catch up on the bookkeeping program. Commissioners said it may help to have someone work specifically on this program because Ms. Magee has a facility to run. Commissioners indicated that it was not acceptable that critical Medicaid information hadn’t been included in the report since May. Commissioners discussed matters relating to funding and running the Restorium as well as focuses of the Commissioners and the role of the Restorium Advisory Board. Commissioner Kirby said Ms. Magee has always had Commissioners’ support. Ms. Magee said she had been hesitant about providing the waiting list to Commissioners as there are potential residents on the list who would not want their information shared. Commissioners assured Ms. Magee that Commissioners are entrusted with information that is a lot more confidential. Chairman Dinning said the question is how to get potential residents to fill the vacant rooms as quickly as possible. Commissioner Kirby briefly mentioned the process of filling the rooms based on the waiting list. Commissioner Pinkerton asked Ms. Magee if she had any suggestions about filling the rooms. Ms. Magee said it isn’t an instant process as the potential resident has to meet her criteria as well as have notes from their doctor and family members, etc. Commissioners asked about the normal time frame to fill a room such as six months. Ms. Magee said it’s normally not that long. Chairman Dinning said there are people who are hired who can provide advertising for the facility such as providing notice of available rooms. This is something that falls on Ms. Magee now so it may be helpful to hire someone else so Ms. Magee has time to manage the Restorium. There is enough staff to provide care for 30 residents as it does for 40 residents. Ms. Magee mentioned the Restorium has to have a certain amount of square feet per restroom so that is something to consider. Chairman Dinning said he does know the Restorium is licensed for up to 50 residents. Chairman Dinning said he would like to see the Restorium have so many people want to stay there that the county has to add on. Commissioner Kirby questioned if it’s better to build the addition first. Chairman Dinning said he isn’t going to mandate residents share a restroom, but if there are residents willing to do that, Commissioners can take a look at that. Chairman Dinning said Commissioners are trying to learn more about the Restorium and they advised Ms. Magee to not get into the political mess between them and the Restorium Advisory Board.
The meeting with Ms. Magee ended at Commissioner Pinkerton moved to authorize the Chairman to sign the FY 12 Juvenile Accountability Block Grant Award. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.
Clerk Glenda Poston joined the meeting at
Clerk Poston said she received the county’s
property values from the State and on She provided Commissioners with a resolution to amend the prior resolution adopting the fiscal year 2013-2014 Ambulance Service District budget. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to amend the agenda for 1:50 p.m., to include the adoption of the resolution amending the Ambulance Service District budget for fiscal year 2013-2014 as it’s time sensitive. Chairman Dinning yield the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Kirby returned to the meeting. Commissioners recessed for lunch. 1:30 p.m., Commissioners met for the afternoon session with Chairman Dinning, Commissioner Pinkerton, Commissioner Kirby, Clerk Poston, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.
Commissioner Kirby moved to donate $200 from the
Weeds Budget to the State of Commissioners and Mr. Guthrie reviewed quotes for a vehicle for the Weeds Department. Mr. Guthrie said Rockstad Ford, Alpine Motors, Taylor Parker, and Dave Smith Motors were approached. Rockstad Ford submitted a quote, Taylor Parker and Alpine were going to submit quotes, but never did and Dave Smith Motors responded that they didn’t have anything available. The quote from Rockstad Ford has met the criteria. These are half ton trucks and the one quote was a three quarter ton, according to Mr. Guthrie. Chairman Dinning and Mr. Guthrie reviewed the quotes. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to accept the County’s Noxious Weeds Superintendent’s recommendation for a 2013 F-150 Super Cab pick up for $25,672 depending on availability. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Mr. Guthrie left the meeting. Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the minutes of September 2 & 3, 2013. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to sign the One Year Extension to the Agreement for Animal Shelter Services. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Chief Probation Officer Stacy Brown joined the meeting.
Clerk Poston said the proposed Ambulance Service
District’s budget had been published in the
newspaper at $334,000, which was an assumed
amount. On August 29th the State of Commissioner Pinkerton moved to recess as the Boundary County Board of Commissioners and convene as the Governing Board of the Ambulance Service District. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adopt Resolution 2013-1A (Amended). A resolution amending Resolution 2013-1A adopting the fiscal year 2013-2014 Boundary County Ambulance Service District budget. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution 2013-1A (Amended) reads as follows:
RESOLUTION 2013-1A (Amended)
WHEREAS, the proposed budget for the Boundary
County Ambulance Service District was duly
printed in the Bonners Ferry Herald on August
15, 2013 and on the 3rd day of September, 2013,
at the Boundary County Courthouse in Bonners
Ferry, Idaho the Board of County Commissioners
held the fiscal year 2013-2014 budget hearing,
in accordance with Idaho Code 31-1604 and Idaho
Code 31-1605, for the Boundary County Ambulance
Service District and,
WHEREAS, there was citizen input on the budget
as proposed, and having considered the budget
needs and available revenue, the Board of
Boundary County unanimously adopted the fiscal
year 2013-2014 Ambulance Service District Budget
on September 3, 2013 by Resolution 2013-1A,
recorded as instrument number
WHEREAS, the State Tax Commission made an error
by overstating (by $367,476.00) the net taxable
value for the personal property exemption which
would result in the levy for the Boundary County
Ambulance Service District being higher than the
.0004 allowed by Idaho Code, and
WHEREAS, the proposed budget as printed in the
Bonners Ferry Herald on August 15, 2013 is still
correct, and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to amend Resolution
2013-1A adopting the fiscal year 2013-2014
Ambulance Service District Budget to correct the
error by the State Tax Commission, and
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of the
Boundary County Ambulance Service District
hereby unanimously adopt the fiscal year
2013-2014 budget as attached for the Boundary
County Ambulance Service District.
DATED AND DONE this 9th day of September, 2013
Dan R. Dinning, Chairman
LeAlan L. Pinkerton, Commissioner
Walt Kirby, Commissioner
GLENDA POSTON, Clerk of the Board of
Recorded as instrument #258703 Commissioner Pinkerton moved to adjourn as the Governing Board of the Boundary County Ambulance Service District and reconvene as the Boundary County Board of Commissioners. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Ms. Brown said the Juvenile Justice Association conference went well this year. Ms. Brown said she is now officially the past president of the Juvenile Justice Association so her duties are less this year and the Misdemeanor Officer Academy is now held only once per year so that is another substantial savings. Ms. Brown said she is now the Chairperson for the Restorative Justice Committee and she will also sit on the grant scoring committee. That will be a good thing for the county, according to Ms. Brown. Ms. Brown informed Commissioners her department was able to purchase $1,529 worth of office equipment for a little over $100 through a grant.
Ms. Brown said Kootenai County Commissioners would still like to have an advisory group for the Region I Juvenile Detention Center and they had requested Ms. Brown sit on that group. Commissioner Pinkerton and Ms. Brown discussed staffing matters and ensuring department coverage. Ms. Brown and Clerk Poston left the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Commissioners tended to administrative duties. 2:30 p.m., Treasurer Jenny Fessler joined the meeting to discuss delinquent taxes. Treasurer Fessler said property owner Daryle Anderson can only pay $50 per month toward his mobile home taxes, but his 2013 taxes will become delinquent if he pays only that amount. If Mr. Anderson continues to pay $50, it will keep the Sheriff’s Office from seizing or posting the property. Treasurer Fessler said Mr. Anderson owes taxes for years 2011 and 2012 and the Treasurer’s Office is about to bill for year 2013 taxes. Treasurer Fessler said Mr. Anderson was incarcerated during part of this time and he was released sometime around December, but it isn’t known when he went to jail. The cost of $131.48 is the amount Mr. Anderson owes for the solid waste fee and the translator fee. The actual property tax amount for year 2012 was $12.60. It’s the solid waste fee, etc., that increases the amount owed. Treasurer Fessler said Mr. Anderson does receive a homeowner’s exemption benefit. If Mr. Anderson paid $478.20 today, it would bring his taxes current. It was said if Mr. Anderson only owed the tax portion, a $50 payment would pay that off without interest, sheriff’s fees, etc. Commissioners suggested Mr. Anderson continue paying $50 per month to eventually get his taxes caught up. Treasurer Fessler asked what would happen if a payment is missed. Commissioners contacted one of the county appraisers via telephone and learned that $1,000 of Mr. Anderson’s assessment is another structure and $1,500 is the camper he lives in. Chairman Dinning said the camper is not licensed according to county records so it has to be taxed in this fashion. Commissioners asked Treasurer Fessler if she would contact Mr. Anderson to see what options can be worked out. Commissioners discussed getting Mr. Anderson to license the camp trailer instead of taxing it as a mobile home. Treasurer Fessler left the meeting at 2:55 p.m. Commissioner Kirby moved to cancel taxes and fees for years 2011 and 2012 for parcel #MH61N01W25615AA for property owner Daryle Anderson and to have the Treasurer contact Mr. Anderson to encourage him to license the camp trailer. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously. Treasurer Fessler stopped back by Commissioners’ Office to inform them she spoke to Mr. Anderson about Commissioners’ proposal. Treasurer Fessler said Mr. Anderson said he could come to the Courthouse this week. Treasurer Fessler left the meeting. 3:00 p.m., There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. /s/ DAN R. DINNING, Chairman ATTEST: /s/ GLENDA POSTON, Clerk By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk |