Kindergarten registration set at Valley View

April 24, 2013
Registration for next year's new kindergarten students at Valley View Elementary takes place from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, May 3, and there'll be a lot going on, both for kids and their parents.

School nurse Karen Moore will be there, providing information for parents and conducting vision, speech and hearing screenings, and kids will be able to meet their teachers, Mrs. Alvarez, Mrs. Bartoe and Mrs. Stagliano, along with PE teacher Mr. Beck.

In addition, each student registered will take home a free book!

Students must be five years old by September 1, 2013, to register for kindergarten, and parents should provide a birth certificate and the child's immunization record, both of which are required for the child to make that big milestone of attending their first day of school next fall.

Parents who don't have those records can still register their children, but must provide them to the school before kids can attend class.

Immunizations required for attendance are fiive doses of Dtap, four of polio, two of MMR, three of Hep B, two of Varicella and three of Hep A.

To find out more and to help give your child a great start on their academic career, call (208) 267-5519.