Dunning, Lee honored by school district
March 2, 2013 |
Terri Dunning
and middle school principal Dick
Behrens. |
Boundary County Middle School is blessed with
superior classified employees. From custodians
to cooks, para professionals to librarians and
secretaries, these staff members exemplify the
traits of caring, dedication, educational skill
and professionalism that we look for when hiring
staff to work with our students and teachers.
They are true educators in every sense of the
word and BCMS would not be a quality school
without their service. In selecting our
“Classified Employee of the Month," we looked
for someone who not only demonstrated these
skills, but truly had earned this honor.
We have selected Terri Dunning for this honor
not only for her quality work but also to
recognize her for her long time service to
Boundary County Middle School.
Terri has worked at BCMS for 18 years and will
be retiring at the end of the school year, and
this is truly an honor well deserved.
Terri works as a para professional with the
special education staff and is always there to
help her students learn and to provide support
for her teachers.
Terri knows not only her students, but all the
students in the school, and she is always there
to give them a helping hand not only in their
academics, but in their lives.
She takes tickets at the home football,
volleyball, wrestling and basketball games and
is a huge supporter of BCMS athletes and teams.
Students and staff know they can count on Terri
to have a smile on her face and a willingness to
do what ever is needed to make BCMS an
outstanding learning center. Everyone who has
attended or visited our school has been touched
by Terri’s dedication and she will truly be
missed as she transitions to spending more time
with her children and grand kids.
Thank you Terri for being such a valuable member
of the educational team at Boundary County
Middle School and best of luck in your new
career as a “Fulltime Grandma.”
Bonners Ferry
High School teacher Carole Lee. |
Carole Lee has been selected as the teacher of
the month.
Carole has taught school in Boundary County
School District for 22 years. She began teaching
at Boundary County Junior High in 1991. Carole
also taught at Bonners Ferry High School and
then eventually transferred to the Riverside
Alternative High School and is now back to
teaching at BFHS.
Carole is skilled when teaching the more
academically challenged student, as was evident
during her time at the Riverside Alternative
High School.
She is wonderful to work with and is always
Some interesting facts about Carole are that she
is related to Stanley, who helped find
Livingston in Africa, and her maiden name is
Shakespeare; she is related to the famous
Finally her dad was a concert pianist who was
good friends with Liberace and Lawrence Welk and
they all performed together. |
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