Time to fly!
May 15, 2012 |
By Ashley Glaza
Spring is really here! This is one of the most
beautiful times of year to be outside - the
fields and trees are a vibrant green, and the
brilliant blue sky outlines the snow peaked
mountains and the brilliant white clouds. It is
the time of year fill the plane with gas and
take to the skies!
Draxlir (right) |
The student pilots at Northern Air have been
busy progressing with their training.
Morgan Draxlir of Moyie Springs took his first
solo flight on April 3.
Morgan started the ground school in January and
has been very dedicated in his flight training.
Morgan decided to take flying lessons after a
friend introduced him to the thrill of flight.
Sam Johnson took his first solo flight on April
9. Sam is determined to get his license even
though he works out of North Dakota.
Sam Johnson |
Whenever he is home for a break he stops in to
the airport for a lesson or two and is making
good progress.
With summer on the horizon, it is time to start
thinking about Huckleberry Pancake Breakfasts at
the airport.
This summer tradition is held on the third
Saturday of each month from May through
September to raise funds for a flight
scholarship for a local high school student.
The first one will be held on May 26.
The other big airport event is Young Eagles Day,
which will be held July 7 this year. Mark it on
your calendar and bring your kids out to the
airport for a free flight, courtesy of the EAA
club and local pilots who volunteer their time
and airplanes!
Watch the paper and flyers for more details as
the time approaches.
You can also call the Boundary County Airport or
Northern Air at (208) 267-4359, or visit
The local EAA Chapter 757 has more information
on the pancake breakfasts and the Young Eagles
Flight at
www.757.eaachapter.org. |