More than 150 sign up
for Run for the Fallen
August 15, 2011 |
General Alan Gayheart, Assistant
Adjutant General of the Idaho National
Guard, will speak following Saturday's
event. |
Idaho's first "Run for the Fallen," which will
honor 44 Idaho soldiers who gave their lives in
service to our nation in wars since September
11, 2001, takes place at 7:45 a.m. Saturday at
the Veteran's Memorial at the Boundary County
Library, and more than 150 people from around
the region have already signed up. (To read the
names and see the faces of those we'll remember,
click here.)
Several more are expected in the coming week and
on the day of the event. Those already signed up
include Gold Star families from Boise, Coeur
d'Alene, Twin Falls, Seattle and more.
Run in conjunction with other Runs for the
Fallen taking place in cities and towns across
the nation, runners and walkers will
collectively cover one kilometer for every
serviceman and woman who's laid down their life
in the line of duty in America's War on Terror.
Organized by Bernadette Kirk-Bonner and her
daughters, who's son and brother, Sergeant
Joshua Kirk, laid down his life in Afghanistan.
Since they began planning several months ago,
many have stepped up to assist and help, and
Idaho's first Run for the Fallen is expected to
be well organized and memorable.
The first Run for the Fallen took place in 2008
when a group of dedicated runners ran from Fort
Irwin, California, to Arlington National
Cemetery in Washington, D.C., running one mile
for every soldier, sailor, Marine and Airman who
died in Operations Enduring Freedom through New
Dawn to that date.
The goal of those first runners was to have all
50 states participate in a run or walk of
remembrance during the same weekend in August.
Last year, 7,600 runners in 45 states covered a
distance of 44,347 miles. This year, Idaho adds
another state to the list, and more miles to the
final tally. You can learn more about the
national effort at
Brigadier General Alan C. Gayheart, Assistant
Adjutant General of the Idaho National Guard,
will attend the Idaho Run for the Fallen, and
will speak in a closing ceremony between 1:45
and 2 p.m. After he addresses those in
attendance, a free barbecue for participants
will take place at the Bonners Ferry
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