Governor unveils new web pages on healthcare in Idaho

August 14, 2011

Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter last week unveiled a new "Healthcare in Idaho" section of his Web site today, providing an online resource for Idahoans to learn about efforts taking place to improve Idaho's system of healthcare.

Part of the new online resource includes detailed information about the work of the Idaho Health Care Council, established by Governor Otter through Executive Order 2010-15 . The Idaho Health Care Council, co-chaired by the directors of the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare and the Idaho Department of Insurance, brings together the government and the private sector to develop Idaho solutions to Idaho healthcare issues.

"Reducing healthcare costs and improving accessibility to healthcare takes the public and private sectors working together collaboratively – with a common purpose," Governor Otter said. "I am glad Idahoans now have an up-to-date resource to learn about the Idaho Health Care Council's efforts to reach our shared goals."

The new Web pages also provide information about Idaho's legal challenge to Obamacare and include a detailed overview of the waiver process outlined in Executive Order 2011-03 (EO) . The EO prohibits State entities from accepting funds to implement provisions of Obamacare, unless the State entity receives permission from the Governor through a waiver process. The waiver process gives Idaho the flexibility we need to individually evaluate all programs and their funding sources based on their merits and the needs of Idaho citizens.

Links to the new pages ar found on the Governor's home page at