Moyie Springs City Council minutes

August 7, 2011

City Council met in regular session July 13, 2011 at the Moyie Springs City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans. Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, City Attorney, Dan Featherston, Fire Chief Ken English and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson.

Discussed the minutes of the regular meeting on June 8, 2011. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to approve the minutes as written. Motion carried.

Discussed the financial statement. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu to approve as written. Motion carried.

Mike Sloan, EDC, attended the meeting. Mike said the State of Idaho has authorized his job for one more year. Mike also told the council Shelman Furniture is closing and that building is so large that it may be hard to get it leased again.

Sandy told the council the Estaline Reader property now belongs to the City of Moyie. The council discussed when and how the property should be cleaned up. John was told to put caution tape around the property. Sandy was told to check with Darrell Kerby about insurance on the property. Steve Economu said we should have another clean-up day to clean up the property. Chad Farrens said he will talk to Jesse at the mill. John Nelson said none of the equipment at the mill would be able to get on the property. The septic tank is still on the property. Discussed the fence, that has fallen onto the property. The fence was put up by Jim Trice and now belongs to Brett Evans. John will talk to Brett Evans.

Discussed the sign for the City Hall. Terry Johnson said he has a 50” saw blade. Chad will talk to the mill to see if they have a 50” blade.

Discussed Geoff Hollenbeck’s council position. Doug Evans asked Dan Featherston if we need Geoff’s resignation in writing? Dan said yes. Chad will call Geoff.

Discussed DSL internet service through Frontier. Sandy said for 5 megabytes the cost would be $44.99/mo. for the first year and then $59.99/mo. For 7 megabytes the cost would be $84.99/mo. for the first year and then $99.99/mo. This will be discussed again at the August 3rd meeting.

There is no new information regarding the Tate property.

There will be a special meeting on July 27th and, if needed, the 28th, at 6 PM to work on the 2011-12 budget.

Discussed the Volunteer Fire Department. Ken English reported the “Accident Ahead” signs cost $380 - $400 ea. and they need two. Ken said they also need nitro gloves and they cost about $15.00/box. A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens authorizing Ken English to purchase 2 “Accident Ahead” signs for $380 - $400 ea. and a case of nitro gloves if he can get a good price on them. Motion carried. Ken read a letter from Duracell to the Fire Department – they donated a box of AA and AAA batteries to the fire department. The fire calls for June were: June 1 – LEPC meeting; June 3 – fire Chiefs meeting; June 15 – Fire Chiefs meeting; June 25 – ambulance assist; June 27 – ambulance assist; June 28 – ambulance assist; June 29 – fire – false alarm. Ken said the fire equipment is running good.

Discussed the Water & Sewer systems. John Nelson reported we pumped a high on June 23rd of 219,400 gpd; a low on the 1st of 106,900 gpd; an average of 156,893 gpd and a total for the month of June of 4,706,800 gallons. John said he got 120 yards of gravel from the State. Doug asked John how the roads are now that they’ve dried out – do they need calcium applied? John said he put 15 loads of rock on E. Mountain View and it will need calcium. Doug said the roads that are crowned have less potholes than the ones that aren’t. John said the waterline project is going alright, but it will be difficult to connect it – John explained why. The mill is using water off the hydrants for the water truck. John was told to put a “yield” sign at the intersection of Black Bear & N. Elk roads.

Doug attended the KVRI meeting. He said 4 or 5 of the group went to Washington DC. They are trying to get a grant to study animals getting hit on the highway at McArthur. The ground work for the grizzly bear study will cost $3,000,000. If there end up being more bears than the Fish & Game say, it could help the logging industry, etc. For the grizzly bear study, there will be 40 people per section and 3 – 4 sections will be done at a time. Mike Sloan is concerned that if they find there are more bears, they will want more land for them.

Discussed the bills. A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Steve Economu to pay the bills. Motion carried.

A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Terry Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried.

Attest: City Clerk


City Council met in special session July 27, 2011 at the Moyie Springs City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans. Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, Fire Chief Ken English and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson.

Waived the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 13, 2011.

Worked on the 2011-12 budget.

The council decided to put new windows and carpet in the City Hall out of the current budget. A 3% raise was given to Ken English, John Nelson and Sandy Tompkins. A $200.00 annual raise was given to City Attorney Dan Featherston. We will switch to Frontier DSL (5mb) for $44.99/mo. for the first year.

A motion was made by Chad Farrens and seconded by Terry Johnson to adjourn. Motion carried.

Attest: City Clerk


City Council met in special session July 28, 2011 at the Moyie Springs City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Evans. Present were Councilmen Steve Economu, Chad Farrens, Terry Johnson, Fire Chief Ken English and Public Works Supervisor John Nelson.

Waived the approval of the minutes of the regular meeting on July 13, 2011 and the special meeting on July 27, 2011.

Finished working on the 2011-12 budget.

A motion was made by Steve Economu and seconded by Chad Farrens to adjourn. Motion carried.

Attest: City Clerk