A busy, beautiful spring day in Boundary
April 23, 2011 |
From a drab, gray Friday that saw morning snow,
Saturday broke crystal clear, sunny and
considerably warmer than it has been. It was a
great day for cruising with the windows down to
all the many activities around the county, from
the Lions Club's Easter egg hunt, a tradition
that dates back more than 50 years, to a free
picnic, the Earth Day Fair, opening day of the
Farmer's Market and a lot more.
Hundreds of Boundary County kids
and their parents gathered on the
fairgrounds lawn Saturday morning for a
visit with the Easter Bunny during the
Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt, held a
little later than normal because no one
was sure how the weather would be. As it
turned out, it was perfect. |
It didn't take long for the
kids' attention to turn to more
important things, however, once Lions
Club member Dr. Mark Barker said, "Go!"
While town kids were hunting
Easter Eggs at the fairgrounds, a bunch
of kids from the north end of the county
did their hunting at Mt. Hall
Elementary, where they had a lot of fun.
Heather Gemmrig photo.
While waiting for the Easter
Bunny's appearance, a lot of folks took
time to stroll among the many tents
displaying the best of Boundary County,
from arts and crafts to baked goods to
early garden produce, seeds and starts
at the season's first Farmers Market. |
At the far end of the Lions Club
Easter Egg Hunt, the new Parks and
Recreation board greeted happy hunters,
and kept member Angela Hittle busy
serving up free barbecue! |
Meanwhile, hundreds of folks
stopped in at the Memorial Hall, where
the Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce's
second-annual Earth Day Fair was taking
place ... |
... And there was a lot going
on! There were booths of all kinds,
featuring products, ideas and
information on hundreds of ways to make
your life a little more green, from
things like eating green as a
vegetarian, which these ladies were
discussing ... |
To getting your power from the
sun, as demonstrated by Don Clark, owner
Voodoo Solar in Sandpoint. |
In another booth, Valerie
Lederhos talked to a whole bunch of
people about the wind-powered wireless
internet available in Boundary County
E.L. Internet Northwest ... |
...While in the booth right next
door, her Mom, Linda Lederhos, got
people excited about the joys of
scrapbooking and the Bamboo Room Day
Spa. |
There was so much to do and see,
it left some folks just plumb tuckered
out! |
As if all that weren't enough,
there were two double headers going on
up at the high school, where the Badger
boys of summer ... |
... and the Badger girls of
summer faced off against the St. Maries
All in all, it was an ideal spring day
to be alive in Boundary County, Idaho! |
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