Newsbf seeks high-school scribe
November 22, 2011
News Bonners Ferry is in dire need of employing a worthy high school student who likes to write and who is considering a career in journalism an opportunity to be published, and to be paid for it.

The successful young reporter must enjoy Badger sports, enjoy going to games and have a rapport with coaches and teachers. He or she will report on high school sports and school affairs.

News Bonners Ferry will afford our successful High School reporter a Badger season pass and $5 per article published, as well as the opportunity to sniff out and write other articles of importance  ... backed by a published clip file bearing the by-line in a professional a media that spans the world.

Must have a computer, internet access and a love of writing. No slackers welcome! Only hard and dedicated applicants will be considered. Must be a Bonners Ferry High School sophomore or junior, and have the discipline to work from home.

If interested, please email a brief description of who you are and why you'd like to see your by-line on these pages; formal resume not required.