BCH offers assistance with meds class
January 24, 2017
Boundary Community Hospital, in affiliation with North Idaho College Vocational Training Program, is registering students for an Assistance with Medications - Combined Oral and Expanded class.

The class will be held from 8 a.m. to noon Monday, February 20 and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, February 24 at the Boundary Community Hospital Fry Education Center.

This eight-hour course is required for any Unlicensed Assistive Personnel who help administer medications; oral, topical, suppository; ear drops, eye drops, nasal, gastrostomy tube or pre-mixed inhaled medications.

The program has classroom instruction with hands-on practice to build competency in basic skills. The course is recommended for anyone who assists with medications, whether the clients are in a home setting or in an assisted living environment.

Cost of the class is $90 and limited seats are available. Early registration is recommended.

To register or to find out more, call instructor Tracy Maas at 267-3141, extension 4312.