FFA digging their vermicompost project
November 22, 2016
These Bonners Ferry FFA ladies get their hands dirty setting up the program's first vermicompost bin Monday in Mrs. Smith's Vo-Ag class at Bonners Ferry High School.
The Idaho Farm Bureau recently chose the Bonners Ferry FFA Chapter as a recipient of the Agricultural and Environmental Research Foundation Grant, and now several local FFA members are up to their elbows in worms.

With the grant grant, Bonners Ferry FFA members have started a vermicomposting program. Their first worm bin was set up Monday in Julie Smith's classroom, and another will be set up in Brenda Kertu's eighth grade Ag Science class after Thanksgiving.

Vermicompost is the product of the composting process using various species of worms, usually red wigglers, white worms, and other earthworms, to create a nutrient-rich mixture of decomposing vegetable or food waste into a valuable soil amendment.

Before long, not only will they harvest high quality organic fertilizer, they'll also have plenty of bait to go fishing!

Bonners Ferry FFA extends thanks to the Idaho Farm Bureau for giving them this unique opportunity to learn and grow!