Conservation Service sets aside fund for fuels reduction on private lands
May 7, 2016
Idaho state Conservationist Curtis Elke, who is with the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), has set aside $100,000 under the agency’s Environmental Quality Incentives Program for the first year of a special project to help private landowners implement practices to reduce excessive fuels and the risk of wildfire on their property.

"We would like to get this information out to as many foolks as possible in Boundary County," said Ree Brannon, District Conservationist for the NRCS.

The project includes the counties in Northern Idaho. The goal is to use practices such as fuel breaks, slash treatment, pruning, access control, and thinning to remove forest materials that would allow fire to spread on the ground or in the canopy. Sign up ends May 20, 2016 for 2016 contracts. Information is available at your local NRCS field office.