18 August Parker Ridge Fire update:  crews continue working, winds anticipated for Thursday
August 18, 2015
Firefighters are bracing and preparing for winds expected to be picking up in the area of the Parker Ridge Fire this Thursday.

Boundary County's lightning-caused Parker Ridge Fire is at approximately 6,147 acres, with 0% containment and 125 personnel assigned to the fire, which includes a hotshot crew just arrived from California. Collective resources from private, state, county and federal agencies are coordinating efforts on this fire.

Over the past couple of days, the fire crews have continued mop-up operations along the West Side Road.

So far, the fire's progression on its southern perimeter has halted at Parker Creek, and crew's have worked to improve fire line on the fire's north border and around nearby homes and other structures. In addition, "Crews continued to focus on shoring up the corners of the fire, along Long Canyon and Parker Creek," said Kary Maddox, Fire Information Officer.

Winds are in the forecast for this Thursday's weather, which could potentially lead to advance of the fire area.

Regarding road and trail closures, the West Side Road is open to local traffic only. "A significant number of hazard trees have fallen across the road," said Ms. Maddox, "and safety personnel are on hand to ensure resident safety."

The same trails remain closed as previously announced: Parker Ridge Trail #221, Fisher Peak Trail #14, and Long Canyon Trail #16.