Idaho and National Guard team up
for program to help teens who drop out
October 15, 2014
An opportunity for teens who have dropped out of school to renew their education in a unique and challenging environment is available. An information seminar about this program is coming up at the end of this month.

Idaho, in conjuction with the Idaho National Guard, is operating a program for students ages 16-18 who have dropped out of school, or who are at risk of dropping out.

Representatives from the Idaho Youth Challenge Academy will host an information session on Wednesday, October 29, at 5:00 p.m. at the Post Falls National Guard Armory, located at 5 453 E. Seltice Way, in Post Falls.

The information sessions are designed to inform prospective students, parents, and educators about the opportunities available at the Idaho Youth Challenge Academy.

The Academy is part of the National Guard Youth ChalleNGe Program (NGYCP) national community. IDYCP is a state-run Academy with a 5 1/2 month residential and 12 month post-residential phase for 16-18 year olds who have dropped out of high school or are at risk of dropping out. There are currently 35 Youth Challenge programs operating around the country in 29 states and Puerto Rico. The program is free for students residing in Idaho. IDYCA enrolls two classes a year, in January and July.

Students who graduate from the 22 week residential program will have the opportunity to earn credits toward their high school diploma. The rigorous program focuses on academic excellence, citizenship, leadership, job skills, life coping skills, service to community, health and hygiene, and physical fitness. The resident phase transitions into a 12 month post-residential/mentoring phase where students will meet with a mentor each week.

Applications will be available on site. The next class begins January 17, 2015 in Pierce, Idaho. An opportunity will be given for those interested to stay after the information session and attend an Orientation meeting from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Orientations are a requirement for admission into the Academy.

Please visit the IDYCA’s web site at: