Explorers cooking up downtown fundraiser
October 2, 2014
Boundary County Explorer Post 190, sponsored by various law enforcement agencies within Boundary County, will be hitting the street this Saturday, in a fun-filled fund raising event.

Look for the group on the sidewalk in front of Woody's Pawn shop, where they will be selling T-shirts, hoodies, hats, and mugs.

But that is only part of the fun. Bring the family down to grab some hamburgers, hot dogs, and drinks, also for sale and prepared by the Explorers and their leaders.

Looking for some firewood? A cord of firewood will be raffled off right on the spot.

Explorer Post 190 is sponsored by the Bonners Ferry Police Department, Boundary County Sheriff, the United States Border Patrol, and the United States Forest Service Police, in conjunction with the Boy Scouts of America.

The Post is for young men and women, ages 14-20 who are interested in exploring a career in law enforcement. The Explorers in the Post learn skills such as parade drills, police report writing, crowd control, and firearms safety.

They also put on exciting fundraisers and know how to grill a great hamburger and hot dog, as you will learn when you arrive at their event this Saturday, October 4, from 10:00 a.m. til 3:00 p.m. in front of Woody's downtown on Main Street.