Field Day for Amateur Radio coming up
June 23, 2014
by Michael Meier

Amateur Radio is alive and well, and Field Day is a celebration of our ability to talk to the world via radio. Amateur Radio Field Day takes place June 28-29.

It is a celebration of what we do best, a time when Amateur Operators visit other stations, operate in remote locations, and a time to work with and talk to other Amateur Operators. It is a time to just be a Ham Radio Operator, as they call us.

During Field Day, all Amateur Operators take to the field and set up a radio station, including power, antennas and operating position. These stations may include more than one operator or more than one station at a location.

The stations are active for 24 hours to test the ability to communicate. Most stations try to contact as many other Amateur Operators--Hams for short--as possible during this exercise. Points are given for various conditions met at the individual stations.

Amateur Radio is key in providing emergency communications when disaster strikes. When Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy struck, the Hams were there to assist as they could, with equipment that worked. In recent times an alliance with the Emergency Managers in each County has created a significant backup system for any regional or national emergency.

To visit a Field Day Station, visit the ARRL Field Day Locator  to find a station near you. Hams love to show off their stuff and educate the public on the abilities and operation of Amateur Radio.