VVES kindergarten registration May 9

April 27, 2014
Valley View kindergarten registration will take place from noon to 4 p.m. Friday, May 9, and parents and their child who is taking that big step up to school should plan to attend.

Registration will take approximately 20 minutes. School nurse Karen Moore will provide a speech and language assessment, a visual screening, and provide information important to parents of each new student, and kindergarten teachers Mrs. Alvarez, Mrs. Bartoe and Mrs. Stagliano will be on hand to greet and talk with each pupil.

A free book will also be given to each child registered!

To enroll, new students must be five years old by September 1, 2014. An original state birth certificate is required; however, we will also accept a valid passport. They do not accept souvenir certificates that come from the hospital.

If you do not have an original birth certificate, you will need to obtain on prior to September 1, 2014 by contacting the Department of Vital Statistics in the state which your child was born. If your child was born in Idaho the necessary form is available in the office at Valley View Elementary School.

New students will also need required immunizations, which are; Dtap, five doses; Polio, four doses; MMR, two doses; HEP B, three doses; Varicella, two doses; and HEP A, three doses.

Students without a certified birth certificate and updated immunization record will be allowed to register but will not be allowed to attend school until those documents are presented to the school.

To find out more, call Valley View, (208) 267-5519.