My apologies for 'falling down' on the job

February 18, 2014
By Mike Weland

A little over a week has gone by since this site was last updated, and though I begged and pleaded, the EMTs who came to give me a ride to Boundary Community Hospital Sunday evening to allow a me a minute to post notice to let readers know what was going on went unheeded.

What happened is this; I experience a sudden bout of vertigo while using the restroom and took a tumble, unfortunately on my un-working left side. With no way to break the fall, I caught the rim on the bath tub, breaking four ribs.

A brain scan showed I'd suffered what appears to have been a mini stroke. I don't remember many details, but I ended up in intensive care at Kootenai Medical Center, worried to tears that there was news coming in that I couldn't get out.

I'd have tried to walk out, but, as often happens in these sort of mishaps, all I was wearing was my under bloomers. Despite putting all the wits at my disposal to work on the problem, I could no see way I'd get down the hall, and it didn't escape my feeble intellect that if I did manage to make outside, I'd have terrible time blending in to the coat and hat crowd.

Anyway, doctors finally saw fit to release me this afternoon, and after an interminable ride home, at can last I explain my absence, tender my apologies and beg forbearance; it's going to take be a little while yet to even begin to catch up.