PAWS and pink slips at VVES

By Principal Gary Pfleuger
Valley View Elementary

We are now in the second half of the school year; the clock will spin quickly for the rest of the school year! Make sure to stay informed of the upcoming events, as we have many activities happening.

In our effort to continually improve the VVES Program, we have initiated a new process.

A team of teachers are now attending the Idaho School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program, sponsored by the Idaho State Department of Education and Boise State University.

Two new procedures have come out of this state-wide training: the PAWS—acknowledgement for students who are providing positive role modeling, and Discipline Referrals or “Pink Slips.” When a student earns a PAW for exhibiting Safe, Civil and Productive behavior, their name is placed on a paper Badger PAW and posted in the hallway. At the end of the month, these PAWS are placed in a container and one name is drawn out for each grade level.

The selected students can then choose an item from the Badger Pride display case.

The discipline referral form works the other way.

Depending upon the seriousness of a mistake, a student may be given a Pink Slip. The student then meets with me and we determine the consequences; as most problems happen at recess, a loss of the next recess is often the solution.

Most minor problems we try to solve at school, but after three discipline referrals, the parent/guardian will be notified. Upon the fourth discipline referral the student will be suspended.

On the positive side, if a child goes more than a month without receiving a discipline referral, we will move back a step. With this system, we can document where and when issues are happening, the consistency of the disciplinary action and the effectiveness of the self-monitoring of behavior.

The District Spelling Bee was held on Saturday, January 25; the winners were: Third Grade—1st Malia Berry (Naples), 2nd Corine Spain (VV), 3rd Makenna Olson (Mt. Hall); Fourth Grade—1st Skyeler Zimmerman (Mt. Hall), 2nd Olivia Pinkerton (Mt. Hall), 3rd Cory Clairmont (VV); Fifth Grade—1st Lauren Onstott (Mt. Hall), 2nd Chase Tucker (Mt. Hall), 3rd Regina Claphan (VV). Congrats to all participants!

The canned food drive results for the Martin Luther King, Jr. “Fill the Bus” Project are: 1st Place Mrs. Dinsmore with 128 items, 2nd Place Mrs. Funkhouser 103, 3rd Place Mrs. Beck 94. The total number of items collected at Valley View was 802!

Good job students, the community thanks you!

We are holding a book drive during the month of February. We ask families to donate used children’s book that their child has read and/or outgrown. A book exchange, where every child can take a donated book, will then be held March 3, the beginning of Dr. Seuss “Read Across America Week!"

2/3-27 Used Book Drive
2/13 4th grade ski
2/17 4:00 Auditions for Missoula Children’s Theatre at BFHS
2/18 Visiting Author Gary Hogg assemblies Look him up at:
2/19 2nd Grade Tubing
2/25 Visiting Author Renee Riva assemblies Look her up at:
2/27 Valley View Winter Carnival
3/3-6 Dr. Seuss Birthday and “Read Across America Week”
3/6 5th grade ski
3/19 5th grade ski (re-scheduled from 2/6)
4/14-5/15 SBAC testing for grades 3rd, 4th, 5th starts (the new ISAT)
5/19-22 Knowledge Fair/Book Fair/Dessert Auction
5/29 Talent Show
6/2 Volunteer Appreciation and Kick Ball Game
6/5 5th Grade Promotion

BoxTops will be submitted at the end of the month. Please turn in all you have before Feb. 27th. Thanks!