Classes on Constitution to be held

January 24, 2014
The Idaho Committee for the Preservation of the Constitution will be hosting a new series, "The Constitution is the Solution for America," a six part class to be held in the Boundary County Extension Office.

On Thursday, February 6, the class will cover "The Dangers of Democracy," on February 13, it's "Enumerated vs. Unlimited Power." On Thursday, February 27, they'll cover "Constitutional Economics/Money," on  Thursday, March 6 it will be  "Constitutional War Powers and the Enemy Within."

March 13 brings "Exposing the Enemies of Freedom," and the series wraps up Thursday, March 20, with "Restoring the Constitution/Taking Effective Action."

All classes will be held at 7 p.m. and there is no charge. Refreshments will be provided.

Space is limited, so organizers are asking people to RSVP Ruth at (208) 267-7808 as soon as possible.