Naples a beehive of fun

November 3, 2013
By Theresa Wardle

Hope y’all are staying warm and preparing for the winter ahead. Here’s just a few notes from the Naples Community Group:

We will be holding our fourth annual (can you believe it?) Naples Holiday Festival from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, December 14. As in previous years, we are hoping to provide/host free fire truck rides, caramel apples, ice skating (weather permitting), affordable hot dogs, chips and beverages, a Girl Scouts’ bake sale, free crafts for kids and more.

The Naples General Store has been wonderful in coordinating their free photo with Santa, and at the same time, Moose Valley Farms may also be selling various items to add to the holiday spirit!

Please plan to attend and spread the news. We also appreciate those who can volunteer an hour or two.

Our Naples Community Food Cupboard continues to provide food to 15 to 25 families a week and WE NEED FOOD DONATIONS!

Suggested items include canned meats, vegetables and fruit, as well as peanut butter, jelly, dry cereal, oatmeal, rice and spaghetti sauce.

Our local grocery stores, Super One and Safeway, consistently donate breads and baked items, as well as other items at times.

We will decide upon the best place for drop off and get back to y’all. Naples General Store does have a donation box and the Food Cupboard is open Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m.

Please consider advocating for donations if you belong to any groups or are hosting a party.

Naples School is doing great and we are grateful for our new third grade teacher Miss Ross!

Students, staff and parents are excited about the new playground equipment (funds raised by students/PTSA and labor from PTSA, parents and community volunteers).

Be sure to stop by on a Thursday to see all the red shirts on Wolverines Red Day.

We continue to spread the word about our wonderful school. Did you know are students are participating in weekly magnet classes on Wednesday afternoons?

Current magnet classes are science, Spanish, Christmas store crafts (junior and senior), piano, sign language, come play games, CPR, photo editing, yoga and trash to treasure crafts.

Finally, mark your calendars for the upcoming Family Fall Harvest Dance from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, November 21, at Naples Elementary. There'll be a pie auction, basket raffles, chili dogs and more!

Monday, November 4 , the Naples Community Group will meet at 6 p.m. at the Naples Fire Station Community Room. Hope to see you there!

To find out more, call (208) 290-1233.