Fire alarm at high school not intentional

September 19, 2013
For the second time in two days, Bonners Ferry fire crews were called to Bonners Ferry High School Wednesday morning for a fire alarm that turned out to be false, sparking concerns of a new twist on last year's oft-repeated bomb threats.

"I sincerely hope this is not the start of an epidemic," Superintendent Dick Conley said.

It doesn't appear to be.

After fire officials gave the all clear yesterday, high school principal Tim Gehrig reviewed security video and identified the culprits; a group of kids playing hacky sack in the north hall.

One kicked the ball into a sensor, tripping the alarm.

"We had the exact time the fire alarm went off and the date stamp on the video," Conley said. "Tim has talked to the students and they won’t be playing hacky sack in the building any more."

While the cause of Tuesday's false alarm, triggered by a sensor near a girls' restroom, has not yet been determined, it is suspected that a spritz of perfume or air freshener may be the culprit; those investigating noticed a lingering floral scent in the immediate area shortly after the alarm sounded.

"I must be getting old thinking students would be doing this on purpose," Conley said. "Last year has just made me gun shy."