Kootenai flows to drop

August 22, 2013
Tonight, Libby Dam will begin ramping down to target Koocanusa Reservoir elevation 2449' at the end of August.

At 11 p.m. MST Thursday, discharge will be reduced from 14 kcfs to 13 kcfs. Additional 1 kcfs discharge reductions will be made on Friday night, Saturday night, and Sunday night, so that by Monday morning, discharge will be 10 kcfs.

On Monday, an additional schedule will be issued to set the flow for the final week of the month, somewhere between 8 kcfs and 10 kcfs.

In September, discharge will be held at 8 kcfs until Koocanusa Reservoir elevation is below 2449', at which time it will be reduced to 6 kcfs and held for the month. This threshold will likely be reached in the first week of the month.