Senator Crapo late for lunch |
August 6, 2013 |
U.S. Senator Mike Crapo is just like everyone
else ... when travelling north to Bonners Ferry
today for a 12:30 p.m. luncheon, he was tied up
in road construction right along with countless
others. His guests started eating while awaiting
his delayed arrival. Crapo didn't mind a bit, but found humor in the situation. "They told me the Sandpoint bypass would speed things up!" he quipped. Around 70 people gathered at the Kootenai River Inn for the luncheon; including county commissioners, mayors, leaders and officials of the Kootenai Tribe, business leaders and the just plain curious. "It's great to be back up here where the air is clean and people have good sense," Crapo said after being introduced by county commission chair Dan Dinning. "If the people of North Idaho were running Congress, I don't think this nation would be faced with all the problems we're faced with now." He then spoke on a number of those issues; the level of federal debt, tax reform and the ever increasing intrusion into the privacy of American citizens and business by a growing panoply of federal agencies, and of what he and the Idaho delegation, along with a growing number of representatives in both the Senate and the House are doing to rein in a federal government run rampant. After answering questions posed by those in attendance, the Senator and a few members of his staff, obviously famished and having eyed the feast put on by Inn staff since they arrived, got to enjoy a quick bite before embarking on a tour of one of many local projects Dinning said Crapo's support at the local level helped make possible, the Kootenai Tribe's Kootenai River restoration project. Then it was off to Bonner County for a meeting with county commissioners there. |