An Eastport Fourth of July

July 4, 2013
Lending a solemn air to this year's 10th Annual Fourth of July Parade at Eastport were a contingent of Hall Mountain volunteer firefighters, remembering the 19 fallen firefighters who died fighting the Yarnell Hill Fire in Arizona.
By Mike Weland

It might not be all that big, but for fun, there's no better Fourth of July Parade than the one they hold at Eastport, and today, their tenth annual, was no exception.

With a good number of their Canadian neighbors joining into to help us celebrate our Independence, this parade is truly multi-national.

With cars lining both sides of the highway south of the Moyie River Bridge, many people sitting in lawn chairs under shade they thought to bring, and people lining Highway 95 in Eastport proper, today's parade was well attended, and the handful of kids watching made out like bandits, as there was enough candy thrown to make the bags they brought bulge like it was Halloween!

Here's a look:
There were flag bearing, beautiful motorcycles, in the 10th annual Eastport Fourth of July Parade, each stocked with generous amounts of candy ...
... Though not all the bikers, or the bikes, were big and bad; some were downright cute!
There was even a couple on a motorized barstool zipping around the parade route!
For most of the parade, these two were traveling in tandem, until the pony decided to go the other way ...
... but she was finally convinced to continue on in the right direction ... sans riders! See the guy at the left? It's rare you'll see him sitting on the sidelines during a Boundary County parade. That's Wayne Nishak, who typically rides in the parade in his one horse shay. Today, he's giving the horse a break. Earlier, he attended the parade in Troy, and after the Eastport Parade, he's off to the one in Bonners Ferry!
This old Ford proudly chugged along the parade route, flags aflutter ...
... As well as a hot midget racer. Okay, okay ... the youngster wasn't driving. The racer was being towed.
This Jeep showed off a veteran's pride, proudly waving the U.S. Marine Corps and State of Idaho colors.
No Boundary County Parade would be complete without the Shriners, and the Eastport Parade is no exception. That's county prosecutor Jack Douglas on the left.
And what would a parade here be without a tractor? The Eastport Parade had one of those, too!
Why, they even had a two person ATV pulling a wagon load of teddy bears, and the people came loaded with candy!