CROP Hunger Walk a big success

June 27, 2013
Thank you Bonners Ferry! The Bonners Ferry CROP Hunger Walk was a success again this summer with 66 walker participating. $6,517.20 was contributed by our neighbors and friends to support the hunger-fighting efforts of Church World Service, both here at home and around the world.

Our local food bank will receive 25% to aid fellow Bonners Ferry residence in need.

Just think, the funds raised here in Bonners Ferry and in CROP Hunger Walks across the U.S. will make a difference in the lives of people around the world.

Again, thank you to all who worked so hard to make this year’s CROP Hunger Walk such a resounding success.

Volunteering, walking, donating -- we all have shown that citizens of Bonners Ferry are truly citizens of the world. See you next year at the CROP Hunger Walk!