High temps on the way

June 25, 2013
By Michael Meier
Boundary County Public Information Officer

The National Weather Service in Spokane has issued a warning for high temperatures for the region including Boundary County. Temperatures are expected to rise quickly into the 90s within the next three days and could reach 100 degrees by Monday, July 1.

This local heat-wave is expected to last at least through the Fourth of July weekend.

Boundary County Emergency Management would like to remind travelers to carry water and do not leave children or pets in automobiles during the heat wave. Children and pets can sustain severe medical conditions in minutes in high heat situations when left in an unattended automobile.

Elderly travelers are especially susceptible to high temperatures and dehydration so please assist those who need help.

If hiking or traveling the back country please take extra precautions to hydrate and stay as cool as possible.

All persons developing any adverse health conditions due to the high temperatures should contact emergency personnel immediately.