Proposed mud bog bogged by restrictions

May 29, 2013
Boundary County Commissioners on Tuesday approved a one-time special event application by DelRey Romero to run a mud bog on his property in Highland Flats in August, but the restrictions imposed would so limit the event that success would be impossible.

"It was worth a try," Romero wrote on Facebook. "The commissioners big hang up was the 'unforeseen burden' to the taxpayers, which they couldn't define nor quantify. They seem to have forgot the 15% of gross ticket sales that was going to be donated to the high school as well as the thousands of dollars that participants would spend at local businesses. Thanks for everyone's help who tried to get this off the ground for me!"

In approving the proposal, commissioners set maximum occupancy for the event at 1,500 and would have required that all vehicles involved have street legal exhaust systems, something most mud boggers don't have. They also limited weekend hours to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., which would not be enough to attract mud bog enthusiasts into visiting Boundary County.

"Simply ridiculous!" said one person disappointed by the decision. "Obviously they have never been to a mud bog."