Brook Wilson |
Contestant 2 |
2013 Distinguished Young Woman |
Sponsored by: Bonners Ferry VFW Post 3622 Brook is the daughter of Shannon Earle and Bruce Wilson. She has two brothers, Micha and Luka, and two sisters, Anya and Amanda. Brook’s career choices include being a math or dance teacher. She is also interested in mathematical research. Her college choice is undecided, but possibilities include Pacific University, Western Washington University, or Dartmouth. She is involved in many extracurricular activities including violin, National Honor Society, secretary of Foreign Language Society, secretary and reporter for 4-H, honor choir, and many more. Two historical figures that interest her most are Helena Borham and Adam Sandler. Brook has been playing the violin for many years and she loves the instrument and the challenge it offers. For her talent she will share her passion of the violin as performs “Gigue from Sonata in D minor” by F.M. Veracini. When asked what makes her least proud of her generation she says: “My generation has the most struggles with addictions: drug, alcohol, technology.” |