VV Student Council has productive meeting

April 17, 2013
Student Council—Minutes for April 11, 2013
1) Roll was taken by Katie and all members were present
Officers: President Grace Villelli, V.P. Katie Clairmont, Treasurer Cameron Rae

Reps: Avery Pluid, Mrs. Funkhouser, Paisley Schulte, Mrs. Perez, Rikki Cowin, Mrs. Beck, Thomas Mooney-Rivkin, Mrs. Schulte, Amanda Maggi, Mrs. Warren, Ben Tompkins, Mrs. Weymer

Faculty Reps: Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Hittle, Mr. Pflueger

Guest Members: Michael Youngwirth

2) The Minutes of March 6th Meeting were approved.

3) Cameron gave a Financial Report: After popcorn sales were added, the total in the Student Council account was approximately $900.00 The front Door matt cost was $440.00, Balance is $460.00. One more popcorn sales will be held; this will profit $100 and bring the projected balance to $560.00.

4) The Door Mat was ordered. The Student Council Officers combined the entries of Holly Ansley and Ally Wages. This was sent to the B.F. Hurley graphic design unit and a proposal was send back to the school. After a few color changes, the go ahead was given and the mat was ordered. It should arrive before the end of the school year.

5) Between now and the end of April, the Student Council is asking for the classroom students to make May Day cards, pictures and poems for the residents of the Restorium and/or other retirement homes. Mrs. Hittle will check on the number of cards/pics needed and will visit with the Sugar Plumb nursery to see about the availability of flowers. The Student Council members will deliver these items on May Day (May 1st at 1:30).

6) Animal shelter contest: during the month of May we will hold a classroom contest to collect items to donate to the animal shelter. The list of acceptable items to donate include: cat food and puppy chow, chew toys, cat litter, cleaning supplies, leashes and collars, paper towels and money. They do not need dog food because Wallmart donates this to the shelter. The Student Council Members will deliver the donated items during the last week of May. The class with the most items will earn an ice cream party.

7) Rex Theatre: the Student Council would still like to donate to the renovation of the downtown theatre. There is a concern regarding a donation to a private business. Mr. P. will visit with the owner of the Rex Theatre to make sure any donation will be used for its designed purpose.

8) The production of a Student Newspaper was cancelled. Very little interest was shown by Student Council Members.

9) Spirit Day Activity for April 25th: popcorn will be sold for the last time of the year; this will also be HAT DAY! Hats will be allowed in the school. Teacher permission is needed within their classroom.

10) Date of next meeting: May 2nd
11) The Meeting was adjourned!

Student Council Members will hold another meeting to make posters advertising the activities listed above!