County commission minutes, April 1-2

April 10, 2013

***Monday, April 1, 2013, Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Dan Dinning, Commissioner LeAlan Pinkerton, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals.


Clerk Glenda Poston joined the meeting. Laura Roady, Reporter for Bonners Ferry Herald and Mike Brown, Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter joined the meeting.


Just prior to the meeting, Coroner Mick Mellett and Prosecutor Jack Douglas dropped by. Prosecutor Douglas informed Commissioners that the county should authorize cremation of the unclaimed body.


Commissioner Kirby moved to amend the agenda for 9:02 a.m. on a time sensitive matter regarding an unclaimed body. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously


Commissioner Kirby moved to authorize the cremation of the unclaimed body at the recommendation of the County Prosecutor. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.


9:02 a.m., Road and Bridge Superintendent Jeff Gutshall joined the meeting to give the departmental report. No written report was presented. Mr. Gutshall reported that more roads are opened than closed currently. Roads are being graded as can be. The Road and Bridge Department is getting the crusher ready to run. The Department finished work on the Nystrom Hill portion of Pleasant Valley Loop.


Bridge replacement on Deep Creek Loop for Deep Creek Bridge number two, located north of Doyle’s Road, is scheduled for August, 2013, according to Mr. Gutshall. This is the last remaining narrow bridge on that road. Deep Creek Loop road will be closed at that bridge for 60 days, according to Mr. Gutshall. The slough just past the golf course on Deep Creek Loop, just beyond the underpass, will cause road closure for up to 20 days while that area is being worked on. It is possible that Lion’s Den Road could be partially closed while work is being done on it. Due to all of the road work during the month of August, people will have to use Pleasant Valley Road as an alternate route. Lions Den Road should not be closed completely but may be reduced to one lane. Chairman Dinning commented that all emergency response organizations need to be made aware of the road closure plans. Mr. Gutshall stated that there will be dust abatement and good visibility on the alternate routes. Road and Bridge is hoping that Lion’s Den Road and Deep Creek Loop won’t be closed, or partially closed in the case of Lion’s Den Road, at the same time. They are hoping to keep one lane open on Lion’s Den Road at all times.


Mr. Gutshall reported that the Road and Bridge Department also fixed a couple of sloughs. Mr. Gutshall spoke of work by the phone company on county rights of way in a particular area. Chairman Dinning mentioned briefly that there was a letter sent from some legislators to the President of the United States regarding Secure Rural School (SRS) funds and the sequester.


Mr. Gutshall spoke about the final design on the Deep Creek slide stating that Federal Highways is still bucking the trench drain design. Mr. Gutshall stated that Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) doesn’t want to do any mitigation. The county did the culverts, patching and barricades and the county can show $29,000.00 worth of work. The county put a trench drain in about eight or nine years ago and it could be impacted, according to Mr. Gutshall. Road and Bridge has all expenses documented and if need be the county will bill the state, but it makes sense to do it as part of the upcoming project.


Road & Bridge Superintendent Jeff Gutshall and Bonners Ferry Herald Reporter Laura Roady left the meeting at 9:16 a.m.


9:30 a.m., Commissioners met with Emergency Management Director Dave Kramer. Mr. Kramer gave an update on the 2012 Bureau of Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP). The county is still working on closing out the 2010 HSGP grant. $50,306.00 was the original 2010 grant amount. The grant funds have to be used for first responder type agencies. Road and Bridge Department radios were upgraded with some of those funds. $38,462.00 was awarded for 2011 HSGP. Emergency Management will just be starting to use the 2011 funds. $21,155.91 is the amount of the 2012 HSGP grant. Mr. Kramer informed Commissioners that he recommends signing the 2012 grant documents adding that it could be awhile before those funds are spent; however, if there is a need today the funds can be spent today. Mr. Kramer stated that with HSGP funding, Emergency Management made sure the first responders, including the Sheriff’s Office, Road and Bridge and the fire departments, got narrow band radios. During Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and fire chief meetings, the group tries to determine what the needs are.


Mr. Kramer reported that there is an active shooter table top exercise coming up this month. This exercise is not for the law enforcement function. It is to see where some weaknesses are for the schools. Commissioner Pinkerton asked what they are trying to accomplish with the exercise. Mr. Kramer stated that the exercise is designed to determine what is in place. Chairman Dinning stated that Commissioner Pinkerton has some expertise in this area and he suggested that Mr. Kramer get together with Commissioner Pinkerton to discuss it. Both 2011 and 2012 HSGP funds are available if there is a need identified.


Discussion was held regarding what items the HSGP grant will cover.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved that the Chairman be authorized to sign on behalf of the Commission, the Sub-Grant Award document, the Memorandum of Understanding, the Certifications and Assurances for the 2012 HSGP grant. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Kramer spoke about the process of purchasing equipment under the Emergency Management grants. Mr. Kramer stated that there is also another class coming up regarding dealing with the media.


Mr. Kramer left the meeting at 9:43 a.m.


9:43 a.m., Assessor David Ryals dropped by to inform Commissioners that he would like to relocate the county’s postage machine which is currently located in the motor vehicle licensing department. Assessor Ryals stated that the Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) is becoming constantly more sensitive to confidential information and the postage machine is located behind the counter where the computer screens would be visible. Assessor Ryals stated that the office also needs the space that is currently taken up by the machine. The best solution is to move the machine to the break room and then lock the door, according to Assessor Ryals. The Assessor stated that the break room would still be available to employees. The only expenses would be to activate the phone line in the break room and get a lock on the door. The door lock will cost about $75.00. Clerk Poston stated that a self-closing door would also be good and the Assessor stated that the Courthouse maintenance man is going to look into that. Commissioners did not have a problem with the postage machine being relocated to the break room. Assessor David Ryals left the meeting at 9:46 a.m.


Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter Mike Brown left the meeting.


9:46 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into closed session per I.C. 31-874. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.


9:51 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go out of closed session. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve indigent application #2013-10; to review indigent account #2011-50 again in October 2013 for possible additional monthly reimbursement; and to authorize reimbursement payment on indigent account #2012-31 be suspended for the months of June, July, and August each year as long as the applicant is employed with their current employer. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.


10:00 a.m. Solid Waste Superintendent Claine Skeen met with Commissioners to give a departmental report. Mr. Skeen reported that the Solid Waste Department is conducting a waste stream study this week. The metal pile will yield approximately 414 tons which will be about $77,000.00 in revenue, according to Mr. Skeen. The Department is not receiving a lot of revenue from regular recycling yet but it is anticipated that there will be more revenue soon.


The status of the Moyie monitored site was discussed. The cost of the fencing will be approximately $7,000.00 with the building costing approximately $2,000.00 and electricity costing $7,000.00 to $8,000.00. The Solid Waste Department will dig the ditch. Mr. Skeen commented that they can’t excavate further north due to the pit but they may be able to haul fill in for the hole. The Solid Waste Department is ready to start the project but is awaiting the lease. The monitored site will be accessed off the highway, it will be fenced and gated, and it will be a full-blown monitored site with recycling capabilities.


Mr. Skeen informed Commissioners if the Road and Bridge Department excavates sand for the roads at the landfill in the amount needed this last winter, the Solid Waste Department may have to haul sand in from the adjoining property to provide cover at the landfill. Mr. Skeen stated that the farm ground lease on the 40 acre parcel needs to be checked into to see if it is possible for the Road and Bridge Department to get their sand from that location.


Chairman Dinning inquired about the possibility of using community service workers off site. Mr. Skeen said there would have to be a release and supervision so it would be “a big can of worms.”


The Solid Waste Department will know for sure next week the actual numbers for the metal pile. Commissioner Kirby commented on how quickly the metal pile grows. Mr. Skeen agreed. Chairman Dinning inquired about how many tons of recyclables there are. Mr. Skeen responded 532 or 536 tons were recycled last year, every other week they haul out two trailers which is about six to 10 tons per week. It decreases some during the winter months.


Mr. Skeen stated that the Solid Waste Department is looking into a use scale which will cost about $30,000. They are currently getting a certified scale slip in Spokane. The need for the scale is somewhat mandated by Panhandle Health District. The scale would weigh garbage going into the hole where currently they weigh at General Feed and Grain which is closed on Sundays and costs $5.00 per weigh ticket. A scale may be something they need to look at for the next budget.


Mr. Skeen left the meeting at 10:11 a.m.


10:15 a.m., Commissioners spoke via telephone with County Civil Attorney Phil Robinson. Chairman Dinning informed Attorney Robinson that he wants to make sure the Park & Recreation Board doesn’t over use the civil attorney. Chairman Dinning asked Attorney Robinson if the county can sell surplus items that might have value over a certain amount, such as $1,000, using a sealed bid process instead of selling the item at auction. This of course, does not include real property. Attorney Robinson said the county can use that process but it requires more work. There are a couple of pickups the Road and Bridge Department wants to surplus and they would rather sell them with the sealed bid process if possible, according to Chairman Dinning. Attorney Robinson commented that he hates to see those go to auction and he recommended doing the extra work to get sealed bids.


10:19 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go into executive session under Idaho Code #67-2345(f), to communicate with legal counsel for the public agency to discuss the legal ramifications of and legal options for pending litigation, or controversies not yet being litigated but imminently likely to be litigated. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Commissioners voted as follows: Chairman Dinning “aye”, Commissioner Pinkerton “aye”, and Commissioner Kirby “aye”. Motion passed unanimously. 10:36 a.m., Commissioner Kirby moved to go out of executive session. Commissioner Pinkerton second. Motion passed unanimously.


10:37 a.m., Commissioners met with Chief Probation Officer Stacy Brown for the Probation Department report. Laura Roady, Bonners Ferry Herald Reporter, was also present. Ms. Brown submitted written figures to the Commissioners to compare the use of the Region 1 Detention Center in Kootenai County and the Bonner County Detention Center. Commissioners reviewed the written material. There are a lot of variables to this, according to Ms. Brown. There is a ratio of staffing to juveniles and she believes it is one to eight during the day and one to 16 at night. The $110 per day proposed by the Bonner County facility is substantially less than what the county is paying for use of the Region 1 facility which was $188.62 per day in 2011. Bonner County pulled out of Region 1 in 2010. Commissioners asked if there was anything provided at Region 1 that is not provided at the Bonner County facility. Ms. Brown stated that originally she thought our youth were better served at Region 1 but now she thinks Bonner County is providing comparable services. Chairman Dinning stated that using the bed days of last year, there is about a $14,000 savings. Chairman Dinning commented that there were 275 bed days in 2010 and 190 in 2011. 2012 figures have not yet been calculated. The county will pay more of a percentage of operating costs at Region 1 based on our censes from previous years. Ms. Brown anticipates the cost to be about $200.00 per day at Region 1 next year. The county cannot pull out of Region 1 this year as you have to give notice by March 1. Chairman Dinning commented that Ms. Brown gave Commissioners things to think about.


Commissioner Kirby stated that mileage and time it takes Sheriff’s staff to transport has to also be considered. If we send juveniles to Bonner County and the facility’s numbers go up, Ms. Brown stated that she is sure our costs will go up. Commissioner Pinkerton stated it seems everything is cut in half by using the Bonner County facility including deputies’ time, travel expenses, liability exposure, and facility costs. Chairman Dinning commented that the question of loyalty to the other three counties still in Region 1 is also a consideration. Ms. Brown stated that Boundary County pulling out of Region 1 would increase the cost to the other counties. Commissioner Kirby inquired what it costs the county to be in Region 1. Clerk Poston stated that the cost is based on previous years’ use. Commissioner Kirby stated that we need to not send juveniles to Region 1 for one year and look at the costs. Commissioner Kirby went on to say it’s not just the bed days but the cost of transport for a deputy to take four hours to transport a juvenile, plus fuel costs and liability exposure.


Ms. Brown stated that initially she didn’t want to send juveniles to Bonner County because that facility didn’t have the same services but now it appears they do. Ms. Brown stated that the Probation Department also looks at alternatives to sending juveniles to detention such as the use of ankle monitors that only cost $8.00 per day. Commissioner Kirby commented that parents would probably visit their children more if the juvenile was in Bonner County detention rather than in Kootenai County at Region 1.


Commissioner Pinkerton inquired if Ms. Brown has been to Bonner County to look at the facility and she responded that she had. Commissioner Pinkerton said the bottom line is which facility would be the best one to rehabilitate the juveniles. Ms. Brown stated that she thinks that is the same. Chairman Dinning stated that he doesn’t want to blind side the other counties involved in Region 1, he would like to have a conference call with them to discuss it. Ms. Brown commented that right now Bonner County has an excellent price of $110.00 per day but costs will go up in both facilities. There has to be so many staff for so many juveniles so costs rise. Commissioner Kirby stated that we should also get costs from the Sheriff’s Office for transporting juveniles.


Ms. Brown stated that they also have used the video conferencing process. Chairman Dinning asked Ms. Brown for the numbers on the use of video conferencing. Ms. Brown stated that she can get that.


Ms. Brown stated that she is looking at hiring a temporary, part-time person for 10 weeks or so to take care of the peak they are having in probation and because they are down an employee. The Probation Department can use 2010 lottery monies to pay the employee, according to Ms. Brown. Chairman Dinning stated that because it is an emergency hire, Ms. Brown can just go out and find someone to work the temporary, part-time position.


10:59 a.m., Bonners Ferry Herald Reporter Laura Roady left the meeting.


Commissioners informed Ms. Brown that they were fine with the temporary hire. Ms. Brown left the meeting at 11:00 a.m.


11:03 a.m., Restorium Employees Jerri Witt and Sheila Benson and Restorium Board Member Larry Dirks met with Commissioners to give a Restorium Department report. There are currently 30 residents with 31 rooms being utilized. There is a capacity of 35 residents. There are only three resident rooms left to be refurbished. Ms. Witt reported that someone is coming today to look at the floor issue.


11:06 a.m., Restorium Board Member Dick Hollenbeck joined the meeting.


Chairman Dinning reported that some people who do consulting work at assisted living facilities called him and asked if they could look the Restorium over. Chairman Dinning stated that they did that and thought the Restorium facility looked good. The group is going to give the county costs, suggestions, and advice regarding the facility.


Chairman Dinning asked if the Restorium wanted the Senior Hospitality Center van. The group indicated that they do want it. The van only has about 30,000 miles on it and has a lift.


Ms. Witt reported that they are still getting costs on the east hall shower/tub area. Mr. Dirks reported that there is $12,000 donated from Friends of the Restorium to redo that tub area. Mr. Dirks stated that they are going to try to do the work in house with maybe some volunteer help. There will be a licensed plumber, tile person, and electrician. Chairman Dinning stated that as long it meets all requirements that should be fine. Mr. Dirks stated that Restorium Maintenance man Roy Hale is saving the Restorium a lot of money in helping with refurbishing the rooms.


Chairman Dinning asked if there were things the Restorium has that are surplus and Ms. Witt said they do. Chairman Dinning said if they need help advertising they should contact Commissioners’ Secretary Michelle Rohrwasser. Chairman Dinning stated that Commissioners aren’t going to be involved with the surplus property (not to include real property) process any longer.


The meeting regarding the Restorium ended at 11:12 a.m.


11:29 a.m., Parks and Recreation Board Member Lisa Carle dropped by for the meeting regarding the review of the position for the Parks Concession Manager, but the Acting Chairperson for the Personnel Classification Committee had something come up and can’t meet with Commissioners until 1:25 p.m. Ms. Carle left the meeting.


Commissioners recessed for lunch at 11:40 a.m.


1:25 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Dinning, Commissioner Pinkerton and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals. Clerk Glenda Poston was also present. Commissioner Kirby was absent.


1:25 p.m., Tammie Goggia, Acting Chairperson of the Personnel Classification Committee, met with Commissioners to inform them that the Personnel Classification Committee met to discuss and review the Parks Concession Manager position and gave the position a score of 530 points which is a grade four.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to accept the recommendation of the Personnel Classification Committee for the Parks Concession Manager position. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Commissioner Pinkerton moved to approve the position of Parks Concession Manager. Chairman Dinning yielded the chair to second. Motion passed unanimously.


Ms. Goggia left the meeting at 1:26 p.m.


1:30 p.m., Commissioners and Clerk Glenda Poston left the meeting with Mike Klaus and John Martling, Cabinet Mountain Water District representatives, to go onsite to view and discuss county owned property in Paradise Valley as a possible site for a backup well for Cabinet Mountain Water District. The tour ended at 3:00 p.m.


There being no further business and no business being scheduled for tomorrow, April 2, 2013, the meeting was adjourned.



                                                            DAN R. DINNING, Chairman








By: Nancy Ryals, Deputy Clerk