VVES student council minutes

March 12, 2013
Student Council—Minutes of the March 6, 2013 meeting

1) Role was taken by Katie and all members were present:
President Grace Villelli
V.P. Katie Clairmont
Treasurer Cameron Rae

Avery Pluid Mrs. Funkhouser
Paisley Schulte Mrs. Perez
Rikki Cowin Mrs. Beck
Thomas Mooney-Rivkin Mrs. Schulte
Amanda Maggi Mrs. Warren
Ben Tompkins Mrs. Weymer

Faculty Reps:
Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Hittle, Mr. Pflueger

Guest Members: Michael Youngwirth

2) The Minutes of 1/10/13 were reviewed; Katie made a motion to approve the Minutes, this was seconded by Ben and the Minutes were unanimously approved.

3) Cameron gave a Financial Report: After expenses were taken out and the addition of Popcorn and pencil sales, the Student Council has $709.56

4) Project Funds to end of year: we make approximately $100 for each popcorn sales. After estimating future popcorn sales and Lucky Grams we expect to have $1,100 by the end of the school year.

5) Old Business:

a) School sign: Mr. Ineck at BFHS has purchased a new machine that will cut the metal for our sign. They are currently learning how to use it. Because of the delay in this project the School Budget will absorb the cost of metal for the sign. We hope to have this in place before the end of the school year.

b) Door mat: we will hold a contest for the design of the front door mat. We have a few entries by the front door. Ideas will be collected for the next two weeks. The Student Council will choose the winning design. This is open to all students; place your idea in the suggestion box. The Front Door Mat will cost approximately $400.

c) Animal shelter: in April we will hold a classroom contest for who can collect the most items to donate to the animal shelter. The Student Council Officers will visit with the Animal Shelter manager to get a list of acceptable items (ie. cat and dog food, chew toys, cat litter, etc). The class with the most items will earn an ice cream party.

d) Rex Theatre: the Student Council would still like to donate to the renovation of the downtown theatre. There is a concern regarding a donation to a private business. We will look into this.

e) May Day Cards, etc for Restorium: The end of April the Student Council invites any and all classes to make cards, draw pictures and write poems for residents in the Restorium. These will be delivered to our Senior members.

6) Date of next meeting: April 11

7) The Student Council then discussed making a sample edition of a School Newspaper. Students were given assignments and need to bring an article/puzzle/comics to the next meeting. The name of the newspaper will need to be selected: “Valley Views” was one idea.

8) Adjourn

Student Council suggestion box: The following comments were collected from the BOX:
The Student Council will address what we can!!!
Focus on one manner per week: excuse me, move for adults in hallway, etc
Care when others don’t
Stars and stripes day; dress up like flag
Have a student photographer
Kind, love, hope
Love your mustache
Love when others hate
Have more lock down drills
Tell (students name) to be nice to me
We are in trouble (intrubl), can we talk to you?
Free day on second to last day of school; all day recess with fun and games outside
Student council should bring attention to health risks of pop consumption
Hold a lock-in for a fund raiser
Have school uniforms
Pushing, shoving, challenging (stop)
Have a daily riddle on announcements
The following suggestions will be given to the Lunch Personnel:
Salads in lunchroom
More pizza for lunch
Have pomegranate for snack; no onions
Tell the lunch ladies I hate cheese zombies (This was not supported by the Student Council)
Can we have candy for lunch
More choices in cafeteria