Local crews assisting Sandy victims

November 3, 2012
Drawing on their expertise in emergency response and management, FEMA has requested assistance from the USDA Forest Service in Hurricane Sandy relief efforts. Locally, a 20 person crew of Forest Service firefighters from communities throughout north Idaho will be sent back east to assist with relief efforts.

The crew will be part of a larger contingency of relief workers leaving Saturday morning from Missoula, Montana, travelling to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Ultimately the crew is most likely to be assisting with relief efforts in New Jersey.

“We are glad to be of assistance and will provide whatever is necessary to help out,” said Idaho Panhandle National Forests Supervisor Mary Farnsworth. “Although our firefighters are most well known for their wildland firefighting, Forest Service crews have skills applicable to all types of emergency hazards. In the past our crews have assisted with a wide range of disasters including hurricanes, the Space Shuttle recovery in Texas and the 9/11 disaster response.”

The firefighters being deployed are prepared for a typical 14 day assignment but can handle an extended stay if needed. Also, if FEMA were to request additional help the Forest Service and partnering agencies throughout north Idaho are ready to assist.