Valley View a hive of activity

September 19, 2012
By Principal Paul Pflueger

The Valley View staff enjoyed a great turn out for Back to School Night/Open House last week. The hallways were packed and filled with excited chatter. Our PTO also held the first meeting last week to set the course for the year.

We may need a larger room if PTO continues to grow!

The meetings are held on the second Wednesdays of each month at 4:15 p.m. in the faculty room. Any and all community members are welcome to join this involved organization. Angela Hittle is our Americorps and PTO contact person for VVES.

Debbie Pauls, the Idaho Reads representative for Valley View, is continually opening the door to the community as we look for volunteers to read with our students.

In numerous Idaho communities, this project has proven to improve school climate, increase communication and raise test scores. If time allows, please join us in this important growth. Training is provided.

For those who do not have the time to help us during the day, there are still many ways to assist the school program: Direct Donations can now be made to the PTO (look for a parent letter), BoxTops bring in financial support and Campbell Soup Labels can be traded in for educational equipment.

If nothing else, make time to enjoy lunch with your child or grandchild. The kids love to show off family members and I love to have adults in the cafeteria.

As I stated in my previous Principal Press, we intend to raise the academic bar at VVES.

Writing will be used to enhance learning. By increasing student vocabulary, educational options improve and test scores grow.

A basic key toward this success lies in attendance! Getting the students to school is out of our control. Of course, we do not want kids at school if they are contagious, BUT we do need to improve attendance.

As a means to that end, perfect and faithful attendance will be rewarded at the end of each quarter. Faithful attendance will be shown by no more than two absences per quarter. The end of the first quarter is November 1. Not only will the child receive a better education, they will be given a special treat (to be determined).

Do you know your Friday options?

Nati Summerfield and the University of Idaho Extension Office run the 4-H Friday Friends Program. This hands-on alternative to traditional daycares runs through the school year for K-6th grade students.

Technology, science, the arts and healthy living are taught. This program, which is held in Boundary County Middle School, is $10 per day. If you are interested, please call (208) 267-3235.

I would like to close this writing with a special note of “THANK YOU” to the large community group who gave up free time in service to Valley View Elementary School.

On Saturday, September 15, an impressive group of church and community members weeded the flower gardens, swept the blacktop, cut down dead trees, replaced railroad ties, and picked up litter.

WOW, our school looks GREAT!!

This project was offered in remembrance of the good people who lost their lives 11 years ago on 9/11. On behalf of our students and staff, I sincerely thank you!

Upcoming Events:

October 2: LifeTouch School Pictures

October 9: “Valley View Coats for Kids." Anyone may drop off their gently used clean coats between now and the October 9th. We also need hats, gloves, boots and scarves. For more info contact Angela Hittle at (208) 267-5519.

October 9: School Board meeting 6 p.m.

October 10: PTO 4:15 p.m. VVES

October 16-18: VVES BOOK FAIR. Free Spaghetti Dinner/Story Telling/New Titles for Sale. Open at 4 p.m.; story telling at 5:30 p.m.; supper at 6 p.m. Ending at 7:30 p.m.

Valley View parents: Please click here to read the letter relating to student safety and health concerns.