REACH group forming

September 15, 2012
With the Boundary County School District 101 Board of Trustees voting at the last minute last spring to fill all the teaching positions at the Naples and Mt. Hall Elementary School, and the threat that budget cuts will again raise that specter this year, parents and school staff alike are banding together to form the REACH group, Reaching Educational Achievement through Community Help.

A loud public outcry against the cuts gave a respite, but the school board warned that the funding for the positions might only be for a year unless ideas could be developed to overcome long-term budgetary constraints.

Both schools, REACH founders say, achieved four-star ratings thanks to high test scores, the result, they say, of the dedication of teaching staff, and losing our outstanding outlying schools to budget constraints without doing everything possible would be a disservice to our county's rural students.

That's what REACH is dedicated to doing by supporting all Boundary County public schools and to work with the board to bring about innovative long-term solutions. Already, there is a small core group working on budget questions and advocating for adequate resources for our schools, but more help is needed.

Those interested in being part of REACH can call Theresa Wardle, (208) 290-1233 for updates on progress and on meeting schedules.