Local food bank needs help

August 3, 2012
The Bonners Ferry Food Bank, which collects and distributes food for those in need year in and year out, is in dire need of volunteers to help meet the demand.

According to director Christine Villanueva, help is needed to pick up donations, in general cleaning and maintenance, in stocking the shelves and in giving out food. In short, pretty much doing everything that needs to be done.

In addition to the routine, Christine said the food bank will likely be moved soon from their current location at 7164 Fourth Street to a new location on the South Hill, so the need for volunteers is even more urgent.

"Volunteering in one's community is the most selfless act one can do," Christine said, "and we sure need some help!"

Christine will train all who volunteer, and it doesn't matter whether you can give a lot of time or a little, your help will be appreciated.

Those interested in helping provide an important community service can pick up volunteer information packets at the food bank. To find out more, call Christine at (208) 267-3663.