County commissioner's minutes, July 16-17

July 24, 2012
***Monday, July 16, 2012, Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Dan Dinning, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Superintendent Jeff Gutshall joined the meeting to give the departmental report. Mr. Gutshall did not present a written report. Mr. Gutshall briefly mentioned the damage to the snowmobile park that happens every year.

Mike Sheppard Jr., Trevelyn Sheppard, Pam Stout, Larry Stout, and Blue Sky Broadcasting Reporter Mike Brown joined the meeting.

Mr. Gutshall discussed damage done to the shelter at the snowmobile park caused by last Friday’s storm. Mr. Gutshall said his assistant superintendent will take pictures of the damage caused by cottonwood trees that had fallen down on the structure.

Mr. Gutshall said he participated in the tri-agency meeting with the Forest Service and the Federal Highways Administration and these agencies will look at the Meadow Creek Road Project as that is a Forest Highway Project. Mr. Gutshall said there will be programs through the Federal Highway Program for roads maintained by counties that access federal lands. Mr. Gutshall said with the existing program the intent is to bank up a few projects to carry forward.

The Meadow Creek Project is a Forest Highways Project that consists of 4.6 miles of unpaved road. The Westside Road is another Forest Highways Project that has been approved, according to Mr. Gutshall. The project had been scaled back to the Myrtle Creek Bridge, but that project is being considered again.

Commissioner Dinning asked if the improvements to the Myrtle Creek Bridge have been put on hold. Mr. Gutshall said the bridge wasn’t scheduled until year 2017. Mr. Gutshall said the feeling is that anything in the Forest Highways Program will be carried forward.

Mr. Sheppard Jr. and Trevelyn Sheppard met with Commissioners to discuss the request to abandon Trading Post Road and adjacent lots. Mr. Sheppard presented Commissioners with a map of the area to be abandoned. Chairman Smith said he doesn’t have a problem with the abandonment since the Division of Aeronautics is not affected. Mr. Sheppard explained how he’s typically plowed the snow on Trading Post Road early in the morning prior to Road and Bridge getting there and how they would like to have speed bumps, but couldn’t as it’s a County road. Chairman Smith said no one has property in that area now with the exception of the Sheppard’s.

Commissioners said rather than abandon the lots Commissioners would have to declare them surplus and offer them for sale at public auction. Mr. Sheppard also presented a legal description of the road requested to be abandoned. Mr. Sheppard said the first paragraph of the legal description pertains to the lots and the second paragraph refers to Trading Poston Road. Commissioner Dinning asked about the road in which a mobile home in that area has access to. Mr. Sheppard mentioned that road being Klockman Road.

Mr. Gutshall suggested contacting Attorney Robinson.

Commissioner Dinning asked how access to other parcels would be guaranteed and it was said there are no other landowners in immediate vicinity as Ken Tompke sold his property to the Sheppard’s. Commissioner Dining said the lease with the Sheppard’s for signage would have to be cancelled prior to offering the property at public auction. Mr. Sheppard explained how many people speed on the road and he stops them every day, but he is not allowed to put in speed bumps.

Mr. Gutshall said a surveyor should review the proposal paperwork and Mr. Gutshall should visit with the surveyor to discuss the right-of-way. Mr. Sheppard Jr. said JRS Surveying drafted the information. A portion of the County’s prescriptive easement runs into this area so the description would have to state “minus” that portion of road, according to Mr. Gutshall.

Clerk Glenda Poston joined the meeting at 9:30 a.m.

The meeting with Mr. Gutshall, Mr. Sheppard Jr., and Ms. Sheppard ended at 9:30 a.m.

Commissioner Dinning moved to amend the agenda for Tuesday, July 17, 2012 to discuss the ambulance service in the County and to make a motion pertaining to ambulance service. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Dinning moved to adopt Resolution 2012-32. A resolution authorizing the disposition of records of the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. Resolution #2012-32 reads as follows:



WHEREAS, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office is currently storing old records of Boundary County; and

WHEREAS, due to lack of storage space, the Boundary County Treasurer’s Office has requested permission to dispose of old records; and

WHEREAS, the Boundary County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has advise the Board of Boundary County Commissioners regarding the classification of such records pursuant to Idaho Code 31-871; and

NOW THEREFORE, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried,

IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the following records be classified and disposed of as follows:

The following records have been deemed permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and permanent records must be kept for a minimum of ten years. The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:

• 1980 Tax Deeds – 1976 Taxes
• 1981 Tax Deeds – 1977 Taxes
• 1982 Tax Deeds – 1978 Taxes
• Tax Deeds Pending Sale documents 1978 – 1982
• Redeemed Tax Deeds 03/1978 to 01/1980
• Tax Deed Property 1988
• Boundary County Properties 06/1996 to 11/1996
• Auditors Certificates 10/03 to 02/04
• 1990 Tax Deeds – 1993 Taxes
• Property Taxes 2001
• Forest Charges 2000
The following records have been deemed semi-permanent by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and semi-permanent records must be kept for a minimum of five years. The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:

• T/A Receipts 2003
• T/A Receipts 2004
• T/A Receipts 01/02 – 02/02
• Daily Receipting 01/02 – 04/02
• Bank Code Edits 2006
• Tax Receipts 2004 – 2007
• Daily Cash Journal 2005
• Daily Cash Journal 06 – 12/2005
• Daily Receipts 01 – 06/2005
• Bankruptcy closed files 2005 + 2006
• Reversals 04/02 to 01/05
• Daily Receipts 2006
• Cash Journal, Auto payments from Mortgage Co. 06/05 – 12/05
• Pre-paid Mobile Home report 08/03 – 09/05
• Monthly Cash Journal Reports 02/2006
• T/A Detail Report 10/04 to 02/06

The following records have been deemed temporary by the Boundary County Commissioners on the advice of the County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office and temporary records must be kept for minimum of two years. The following records are to be disposed of in the county landfill:

• Address Changes 2009

Regularly passed and approved on this 17th day of July, 2012.

DAN DINNING, Commissioner
WALT KIRBY, Commissioner

Reviewed by and on advice of Deputy Prosecuting Attorney this 17th day of July, 2012.

Deputy Prosecuting Attorney
Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners
By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy
Recorded as instrument #254508

Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting at 9:40 a.m.

Commissioner Dinning moved to sign the Addendum to the Airport Manager’s Contract for fiscal year 2012 through 2014 pending passage of the County’s budget. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. and Ms. Stout left the meeting at 9:44 a.m.

9:44 a.m., Commissioner Dinning moved to go into closed session under Idaho Code #31-874. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously. 9:54 a.m., Commissioner Dinning moved to go out of closed session. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

Clerk Poston and Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meting.

Commissioners tended to administrative duties.

11:05 a.m., Emergency Services Incident Commander Bob Graham joined the meeting. Mr. Graham said on July 12, 2012 the Regulatory Division of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sent him a letter pertaining to Dike District #4, but he didn’t receive it until this morning.

Mr. Graham said he was informed there has to be an engineering design for what the County wants to do to make the rock support for District #4 permanent in addition to having to complete an application for a permit. Mr. Graham said Beth Rinehart with the Corps will write the County letters if the County chooses not to act. A permit is required to make the rock permanent although no one is going to remove it, according to Mr. Graham. Mr. Graham listed the multiple state agencies from which the County needs permits. Commissioner Dinning said if the County does not complete the application, the local contractor will not be paid. Mr. Graham explained which people work for the Corps’s Regulatory Branch in Walla Walla and which work for the Colonel in the Seattle Office.

Mr. Graham said he spoke to the Department of Water Resources and they will send him the application to complete. The Idaho Department of Lands Office in Coeur d’ Alene questioned why a permit was needed for work done on the dike and was given the answer that the character of the dike was changed.

Chairman Smith said Commissioners had planned on talking to Attorney Robinson about matters relating to a need for rock from pits that may not have been approved during an emergency situation.

Commissioners asked Mr. Graham to complete the application. Commissioner Dinning talked about requesting an after action report.

Mr. Graham said out of 4,500 yards of rock less than 2,500 yards was used and the remaining amount was given to him. Mr. Graham said he arranged for the rock to be placed outside the dike of Dike District #9, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ representative had some issues with that.

Mr. Graham left the meeting at 11:29 a.m.

11:30 a.m., Hospital Board of Trustees Chairman Elden Koon and Hospital CEO/CFO Craig Johnson joined the meeting to update Commissioners on Hospital matters.

Mr. Johnson said the Hospital’s Board of Trustees meeting will be held at noon on August 9, 2012 as a special board meeting in order to review the Hospital’s audit. The reason for the change in date is due to a scheduling conflict with the accounting firm. Mr. Johnson said for the first six months of the year, the Hospital experienced a slight profit and still in the black, but just barely.

Commissioners mentioned payment owed by the Hospital for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant. Mr. Johnson said Clerk Poston will receive a phone call in regards to what is owed for the EECBG grant.

Mr. Johnson said the Hospital had a lot of cash flow issues for the first six months for a variety of issues, but mostly involving Medicare. Those present discussed issues with Medicare for physician practices and the President’s health care plan. Mr. Johnson said as a hospital, he will have to continue to implement matters as required. The positive side of this health care plan is that more people will have insurance. Mr. Johnson said the rates for this medical plan, whether it covers costs or pays less than the costs, would be a problem. Chairman Smith said the big question is if people can’t afford insurance, who is going to pay for it.

Mr. Koon spoke of the building formerly rented to the Kaniksu Health Clinic and of what maintenance work needs to be done to the building. Mr. Koon asked Commissioners if Road and Bridge would be able to clear away the dirt that is built up around the building that is supposed to act as insulation. Mr. Koon said all that is needed is the equipment. The goal is to pull the dirt away from the building as it is not properly insulating the building.

Commissioner Dinning moved to sign the letter of support for Boundary Community Hospital’s efforts to obtain a grant to hire a new physician. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting with Mr. Johnson and Mr. Koon ended at 11:50 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners reconvened for the afternoon session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Dan Dinning, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Clerk Glenda Poston and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting.

Commissioners, Clerk Poston and Deputy Clerk Ryals conducted a workshop to review the proposed fiscal year 2012-2013 County budget.

The meeting to review the proposed fiscal year 2012-2013 County budget ended at 4:04 p.m.

***Tuesday, July 17, 2012, Commissioners met in regular session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Dan Dinning, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

9:00 a.m., Road and Bridge Superintendent Jeff Gutshall, Road and Bridge employees Mike Gorg and J.P. Runyun, and Bruce Drewes, Manager for the Idaho Transportation T2 Center joined the meeting.

Mr. Drewes presented Mr. Gorg and Mr. Runyun with certificates for completing the Idaho T2 Road Scholar Program. Mr. Drewes said the Road Scholar Program works to help understand methodology, regulations and requirements concerning roads, and learning these things helps create a safer environment. There are nine courses to complete and most should be able to complete the courses within four years, according to Mr. Drewes.

The award presentation ended at 9:15 a.m., and Mr. Gutshall, Mr. Gorg, Mr. Runyun, and Mr. Drewes left the meeting.

Commissioner Kirby moved to approve the minutes of July 2 & 3, 2012. Commissioner Dinning second. Motion passed unanimously.

9:30 a.m., Clif Warren, Mobility Manager for District 1, Boundary Economic Development Specialist Mike Sloan and City of Bonners Ferry Assistant Administrator David Sims met with Commissioners to discuss funding issues for transportation.

Mr. Warren explained that the Senior Hospitality Center has the ability to assess a $5 per ride fee for users of the senior center bus and these funds are used as matches for grants. The issue is that ridership for the senior bus has been tapering off each year, according Mr. Warren. The District is no longer providing funding for transportation; therefore the Senior Hospitality Center will lose all funding from the Area Agency on Aging. Mr. Warren said he spoke to the Area Agency on Aging and was told they will not be able to get funding back.

Mr. Warren said Barbara Kovacs with the Senior Hospitality Center will be $135,000 short this fiscal year. It was said that Valley Vista and the Senior Hospitality Center have been affected by this cut.

Chairman Smith said several years ago, for whatever reason, the transportation vehicle used by the Senior Hospitality Center was going to be taken away so the County offered to cover insurance costs and possibly repairs as well.

The effect is that Ms. Kovacs has already paid $3,000 of her own budget and the Area Agency on Aging cannot provide funding any longer. Mr. Warren said the grant from the State is available, the bus is available and the operating funds are approved, but it boils down to obtaining enough grant match money. The grant is for $20,000 and match is approximately $7,000. It was said Ms. Kovacs will need to find partners and make a serious commitment to the community.

Mr. Warren said Ms. Kovacs could let the operating grant go, keep the Senior Hospitality Center bus, and just get volunteer drivers, but then the bus would be strictly a Senior Center bus and not available for the community. The drivers are currently being paid, according to Mr. Warren.

Commissioner Kirby questioned who rides the bus in addition to the senior citizens. Mr. Sims said when he spoke to the Restorium Administrator about it, they weren’t aware the bus was available to them.

Mr. Sloan spoke of a hypothetical route from the Hospital to the south end of town near Super 1 in order to get people out and about in town.

Mr. Sims said the $20,000 in grant funds that Ms. Kovacs receives will only go so far. Commissioner Dinning said in the past the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) monies had been available for Senior Hospitality so he doesn’t know if that program is still in existence.

Those present discussed waiting to reschedule another meeting in order to have Ms. Kovacs present to help explain the funding situation. Mr. Warren discussed requirements needed to be met if there are designated bus routes.

Clerk Glenda Poston joined the meeting at 9:54 a.m.

Chairman Smith asked how the County takes care of the Senior Bus insurance. Clerk Poston said the amount is lumped together and included in a fleet, but she would look into it.
The meeting with Mr. Sims, Mr. Warren and Mr. Sloan ended at 10:00 a.m.

Boundary Volunteer Ambulance Board Chairman John Youngwirth joined the meting.

Commissioner Dinning said he has spoken with Mr. Youngwirth in order to work out details of an ambulance service agreement and he wanted to provide an update to Commissioners. The proposal is to estimate providing Boundary Volunteer Ambulance (BVA) between $60,000 and $80,000 sometime before September 2013, to restructure BVA’s Board to include one County Commissioner, Boundary Community Hospital’s Administrator, two representatives from BVA, and one the fire chiefs. The proposed contract would run through October 2013. The new board will be in place as of February 2013 and the new board will work to set the budget. Commissioner Dinning said this information is pretty much where the situation is at and details will need to be developed from there. If the proposed arrangement does not work out, the situation is no worse off than where it is today.

Chairman Smith said in the beginning he suggested offering $40,000 to BVA and the impression was given that he wasn’t in favor of what was taking place when Commissioner Dinning wasn’t even in favor of forming a taxing district to begin with.

Chris Peterson joined the meeting.

Chairman Smith said Commissioner Dinning mentioned the County needed some guarantee. Mr. Youngwirth said there isn’t a guarantee right now. Commissioner Dinning said he and Mr. Youngwirth decided to leave the past behind and to move forward. Chairman Smith said he thinks the perception of a majority of the ambulance members is that he wasn’t in favor of them, yet now we're offering the same thing he had proposed himself, with the exception that rather than $40,000, the amount is between $60,000 and $80,000.

Mr. Youngwirth said he felt there was a lot of miscommunication involving everyone throughout the whole process. It was said the decision was to start with a clean slate to see if this can work. Chairman Smith spoke of the issues he had with BVA’s attorney. Mr. Youngwirth said BVA also heard complaints about being greedy and is still getting those complaints so the goal is to just try and fix it.

Commissioner Kirby said the issue with him is the County has to front this funding now and in future he doesn’t want to ever have to raise his voice again.

Commissioner Dinning said this arrangement isn’t going to prevent anyone from canceling the contract, but it provides direct communication and input by a Commissioner sitting on the Board. With BVA being a private entity there is no way either party won’t be able to cancel the contract.

Commissioner Kirby reiterated that the BVA Board was going to be restructured between now and February 2013 and then develop an ambulance service. Commissioner Dinning said the only County part will involve funding.

Mr. Youngwirth said BVA’s Board and membership will figure out how to amend their By-Laws. Commissioner Dinning said the contract should be extended right away.

Commissioner Dinning moved to sign the letter to Boundary Volunteer Ambulance extending the contract for ambulance services. Commissioner Kirby second. Motion passed unanimously.

The meeting with Mr. Youngwirth ended at 10:25 a.m.

There being no further business for the morning session, Commissioners recessed for lunch at 10:25 a.m.

1:30 p.m., Commissioners met for the afternoon session with Chairman Ron Smith, Commissioner Dan Dinning, Commissioner Walt Kirby, and Deputy Clerk Michelle Rohrwasser.

1:30 p.m., Clerk Glenda Poston and Deputy Clerk Nancy Ryals joined the meeting to resume the workshop to review the proposed fiscal year 2012-2013 County budget.

Sheriffs’ Office Administrative Deputy Crystal Denton and Sheriff Sprungl joined the meeting to assist in reviewing the Sheriff’s Office portion of the budget.

Sheriff Sprungl and Ms. Denton left the meeting and those present resumed reviewing the remaining County budget.

Deputy Clerk Ryals left the meeting at 4:25 p.m.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.



By: Michelle Rohrwasser, Deputy Clerk