4-H Friday Friends having fun summer

July 6, 2012
By Angel Barker

The 4-H Friday Friends ended the school year with a bang May 25, inviting their family and friends to join them at their year-end ice cream social, where they presented the slide shows they created.

If your child enjoyed the 4-H Friday Friends program during the school year, they don't have to wait until next year, because Friday Friends have summer activities on select Fridays this summer. They began June 22 with "Beans, Beans, Beans."

We learned how to make bean mosaics, and there were beans, beans, beans everywhere! It was a complete success.

On July 6 we introduced "Egg-cellent Egg-speriments."

On July 20, we will explore Outdoor art, August 3 we will answer the question, "That Flies?"

And finally August 31 we will prepare for back to school with "Back to School Fun."

These events are from 1 to 3 p.m. at the Boundary County Fairgrounds pavilion and are for children K-6th grade, and younger siblings are welcome with adult accompaniment.

All of the summer activities are $5 per child per event or $15 for a family of three or more per event.

We are excited for the upcoming 2012-2013 school year, and hope to see all of our students back and many new faces.

For registration details or any questions contact Nati Summerfield at nsummerfield@uidaho.edu, Angel Barker at abarker@uidaho.edu, or call 267-3235. You can also pick up registration forms at the Boundary County Extension office.