Valley View student council minutes
March 17, 2012

Student Council    March 7, 2012 MINUTES

President: Sydney Watt                       Vice President: Quinn Plato    Treasurer: Emily Blackmore



4th Grade:        Funkhouser      Katie Clairmont

                        Perez               Grace Villelli

                        Beck                Thomas Mooney-Rivken

5th Grade:        Dinning                        Sierra Summerfield

                        Flory               Ashlyn Rushing

                        Johnson           Max Lange

Faculty Representatives in attendance: Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Barker Mr. Pflueger


A financial report: $404.37


Old Business: Discussion was held on the following student council events:

·       We discussed the February 23rd Twin Day. It was not very well advertized so many students did not participate. It is still worth trying in the future.

·       February 29th  Dr. Seuss “Read Across America Day” was great fun. The students liked the activities and the new used books. This should continue every year.

·       Allowing the  4th grade students sharing in the responsibility of reading the Morning Announcements is good. This will be continued.

·       Students really like to new pencil selections. Sales are up!


New Business:

·       St. Patrick’s Lucky Grams were sold at lunch from March 12-15. This seemed to be successful but we do not have a total yet.

·       April 26th will be “Dress as a Famous Person from History or Character in a Book Day”. Students must have a basic knowledge of the person they will portray. Start Thinking!

·       May 31st VVES 1st Annual Talent Show. Time and location to be announced. A sign up will be held soon. Talents can include: singing, dance, musical instruments, and special talents. All participants need to audition. No lip-sync will be allowed.

·       School Sign: The sign will be blue with green trim. The School Board gave permission for it to be made.






Construction of the sign will begin this week at the High School.


The Class Reps and Officers need to talk to their classmates about ways they can use the student council funds. We estimate the sign will cost $200, so we still have about $200 left. Ideas were new playground equipment and a pump to fill the balls. Another idea was to put a bench in the front. Ideas need to be solicited in class and brought to the next meeting.


Next Meeting will be held April 11, 2012.