Beautiful new dining hall needs a new name |
March 12, 2012 |
"Can you believe how great this looks?" asked Marianne Duarte, one of the women who organized last weekend's "Pack Rat Sale," the first official event in the newly remodeled facility. "Instead of looking at the tables, they looked at the room!" And well they should ... new insulation behind the walls, new windows looking out. New recessed lighting making it much brighter than it's ever been, new floors, new walls, new decor. It's still a dining hall, with a great kitchen, but it is now so much more, thanks to the work of the Friends of the Fair and the Fair Board, who, with funds raised at last year's baked goods auction, with private and unheralded donations from people like Shawn Keough and Dan Dinning, from the Noble family and from the Idaho Forest Group, who raffled off a hot chainsaw at the lawn mower races last year. Together, they raised more than $9,000 for this year's fair improvement project, and while guests are going to enjoy it this year more than most, the legacy is going to last for years. Hence, Sandy Schempf is looking for a name for the facility more fitting than "dining hall," as it's much more than that now. Nothing too outrageous; it's not a concert arena or a mosh pit, a music hall, odeon or ampitheatre ... nor even a theatre, for that matter ... or even a theater. "I just think it needs a more fitting name than 'dining hall,'" Sandy said. Those with ideas for new names should send them to, or mail them to Boundary County Fair, P.O. Box 3098, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805. The winning entry, judged by the members of the fair board, will be announced on opening day of this year's fair; Roy will make a new sign to go over the door, and publisher Mike Weland will present $25 in cash to the winner at the door of the chicken barn at 5 p.m. Friday, August 17. The deadline for name entries is August 1, and may the best, most appropriate and imaginative name win! |